help with objects lsts

Hi everyone, i'm new to Quest and am using the online editor. i've been through the tutorials and forums but i can't find a clear answer on this
on the desktop version there is a pre-loaded into the room "you can see" option

this doesn't appear in the online version, when i manually add the expression the list doesn't show the same as the "you can see" function with hyperlinks and shows in a drop down format.
can anyone offer some advice please, i want to show the 'you can see list' after the room descriptions

i can get them to show as non-hyperlinks. but i have been also been replaceing the room descriptions with "run a script" instead to include my room pictures and this seems to stop the item list

On the game's "Room descriptions" tab, make sure you have enabled "Automatically generate room descriptions".

Lower down that tab, you can choose the order for the "You are in", "You can see", and "You can go" lines. Give each a number from 1 to 4 for what order you want them to appear in. If you give them a number that isn't 1, 2, 3, or 4, that line won't appear.

thank you so much! i was in the wrong tab

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