Runtime Error - Server Error in '/' Application.

I apologize in advance, as I'm extremely new to computer science and Quest gaming.

I just uploaded my first gamebook, and upon uploading and selecting to 'play online', I'm met with an error message saying 'Runtime Error - Server Error", etc.

Am I doing something wrong, or is this a problem with Quest's servers?

If it's something on my end, how do I remedy this situation?

It is happening because A. the server is down or B. the server is broken.
I can't play any game right now, as it gives me the same message.

I don't know, but I assume, just because it has happened before, the problem will eventually be fixed. We just have to wait for it.

Same thing here. I guess we just wait it out.

Does anyone remember how long it was for the last one to fix,I'd like to play one and I've been trying since like 4pm

I have had this Runtime Error for a week now.. How do I stop it..? :<

I hope someone is already working on it. I mean, that's most likely. It would be pretty terrible if they still didn't even know, though.

Last time it happened for me it was fixed same day. Little concerned about Kai_and_Grey saying they've had it for a week? Googling the type of server error it seems like it should be an easy fix. Fingers crossed it won't be long now.

It's only happened for me since about 4 yesterday,defo not a week,so I think it should be fixed pretty soon

Sorry, only just found this thread. I have emailed manowar, and hopefully will be fixed soon.

good news, it works now!

Yes, it works, again, yet I somehow still don't get a SAVE button on my games, even though I ma logged in. Is that not why they were servers down, because many people didn't see their SAVE buttons while playing online?

Happening again. Are they doing maintenance?

Terrible timing! I just spent 4 months working on building a game, published it last night before bed. Had time to want to try it out today to see how everything is running and hit with this error. I legit panicked! Hopefully things are back up soon!!

Is there a way to filter out adventures that use quest while it’s down?

Should be up and running again. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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