Definite article for rooms? 'You are in THE woods'

Hi all, just trying out the creator tool for Quest (and now ths forum). I just have a very newbie question.

Quest seems to place the indefinite article, 'a/an', between the prefix and room alias. There doesn't appear to be any attributes that change this to the definite article, 'the'. I currently have a lot of woods in my game as oppose to the one magical one lol

Any help of this would be appreciated.

On the first tab, untick "Use default prefix and suffix".

If you have the English language library, objects which don't have a prefix set there will magically choose "a" or "an" based on their name.

Brilliant! Thanks for the prompt reply mrangel

I misunderstood the function of that checkbox and never connected it with this issue.

I see it is the same solution for non-room objects too.

Thanks again

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