Defibrillator not working?

When I was doing the 'Tutorial Game' the 'Use' command for the 'Defibrillator' and 'Bob' wasn't working?
I've gone through this many times, is it just me?
And if not, what am I doing wrong?

I got it working-
For those who are having trouble with the same thing, If you are using Desktop Quest 563 the tutorial tell you to put the USE command in 'Bob', where as you should actually be putting it in the 'heart defibrillator' Use this on (other object)
Hope this helped someone :)

On the use/give tab, there's areas for "use (other object) on this" and "use this on (other object)".

You can put the script on either object; just put it in the right field.

Thank you :)
The next tasked confused me, since I had changed it a little bit, seeing that message made me realise I had put the script in the wrong section.

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