ConvLib - Two Options missing

Hey, so I installed the ConvLib package into Quest and I'm finding two very useful options missing. The library is here:

The issue is in Active Conversations:

Active Conversations
There is an "active conversation" option for characters. If selected, the conversation automatically continues, if there are still options available (rather than the player typing TALK TO... again). There is also a "force conversation" option; if selected the player will have to select a conversation option before moving on (by default the player can choose to ignore the list of options and do something else). Note that if both options are selected, and you have topics that do not disappear after they are used, the player could get stuck in a loop, so be careful!

The rest of the Conversations tab seems to be there, just not those two checkboxes. Any ideas? Thanks in advance!

Those options are for the character, not the topic. You need to set any character the player can talk to to be a "character" on that tab; then you will see the options.

I have set the Intercom as a Character and I'm only getting the option to gag it unless they cast Animal Whispers on it. Forgive the awful dialogue examples in the code, I'm just playing around with making it work first and then I'll make the dialogue good.

<object name="intercom">
  <inherit name="editor_object" />
  <inherit name="talkingchar" />
  <look>The intercom sits next to the carpark doors and allows you to speak to those inside the building.</look>
  <feature_usegive />
  <displayverbs type="stringlist">
    <value>Look at</value>
    <value>Talk to</value>
  <usedefaultprefix type="boolean">false</usedefaultprefix>
  <nowshow type="stringlist">
    <value>Fearful Sobbing</value>
  <hideafter type="boolean">false</hideafter>
  <scenery type="boolean">false</scenery>
  <animal />
  <use type="script">
    msg ("You speak into the intercom and wait for a long moment.  After several seconds you hear someone chanting underneath their breath.")
  <talk type="script">
    msg ("Please don't hurt me!")
  <greet type="script">
    msg ("You hear strange noises coming from the intercom.")
  <useon type="scriptdictionary" />
  <object name="Fearful Sobbing">
    <inherit name="editor_object" />
    <inherit name="startingtopic" />
    <hideafter type="boolean">false</hideafter>
    <alias>What's going on?</alias>
    <nowshow type="stringlist">
      <value>Chanting Again</value>
    <talk type="script">
      msg ("You can hear sobbing mixed in with strange chanting.")
    <object name="Chanting Again">
      <inherit name="editor_object" />
      <inherit name="topic" />
      <hideafter type="boolean">false</hideafter>
      <alias>Is anyone there?</alias>
      <nowshow type="stringlist">
        <value>Fearful Sobbing Again</value>
      <talk type="script">
        msg ("The chanting just gets louder.")
  <object name="Chanting">
    <inherit name="editor_object" />
    <inherit name="startingtopic" />
    <hideafter type="boolean">false</hideafter>
    <alias>Is anyone there?</alias>
    <nowshow type="stringlist">
      <value>Fearful Sobbing</value>
    <talk type="script">
      msg ("The chanting just gets louder.")
    <object name="Fearful Sobbing Again">
      <inherit name="editor_object" />
      <inherit name="topic" />
      <hideafter type="boolean">false</hideafter>
      <alias>What's going on?</alias>
      <nowshow type="stringlist">
        <value>Chanting Again</value>
      <talk type="script">
        msg ("You can hear sobbing mixed in with strange chanting.")

I pasted that into a test game of mine (had to add a </object> at the end), and it works for me, I see the options.

I am using an updated version, so that could be the difference. Does anyone else have this issue?


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