Saving Games

My games seem to not have a save button. Am I not doing something when I upload? How should I be either adding or accessing this save button? What am I missing? I just cannot find it.

Same issue here. There is no save button for my game and the SAVE command just yields "Failed to save game." The SAVE command works when I run the command locally (no button though) but not on the web version. Is the save not available for online play?

I think it may be connected to connection speed. I have "high speed" internet, but my pc is a refurbished i7, whereas, before my i9 exploded, I had a save button that worked, on every game. Now, I have a lower connection speed core, and cannot see a save button, or save, or retrieve previously saved games.

I have the same problem. Tried with different accounts. Doesn't matter if I am logged in our not.

It looks like saving is working now in my game. I've had several people play testing it and they report it is working now. I'm not sure what changed, but it is working.

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