Tr0n wrote:"The Unknown"
Is this one of daivdw's buddies?
If you by "buddie" you mean "enemy",
and by "one" you mean "THE one",
and by "davidw" you mean "any intelligent being"....
Then yes.
DavidW is much like that.. He may have caught me on a couple of occasions - I really can't remember.. But I always thought of him more like the kid in the playground which uses wit to prod the idiots/big-mouths.Some people have a hard time dealing with directness but you and I both know that's how it is.
Tr0n wrote:Is he now taking random sentances from the internet and posting them like Stu?
O Vaughan.. I didn't quite understand that triple negative in your second sentance..
You're saying if he was understood - but didn't realise it, he would have left? But he understood it and stayed?
Or he WAS misunderstood, but didn't realise it - and stayed?
Perhaps cool - if he wasn't cool, and didn't know it, then he would have gone - but he knew it and stayed?
Or he was cool - and didn't know it, so he stayed?DavidW is much like that.. He may have caught me on a couple of occasions - I really can't remember.. But I always thought of him more like the kid in the playground which uses wit to prod the idiots/big-mouths.Some people have a hard time dealing with directness but you and I both know that's how it is.
Zelimos is cool. He's misunderstood. If he weren't and he didn't realise it he would have left a long time ago.
davidw does nothing but PICK ON PEOPLE. He follows their posts and takes potshots at them ad-nauseum. He's a bully.
Yeah, he is direct and whatnot but to compare him to that twat davidw is ludicrous
davidw does nothing but PICK ON PEOPLE
O_VAUGHAN wrote:I stand by what I said, Tr0n in spite of the unsolicited slagging you've given me about it. if you can't understand it, then it's not my problem. I happen to think Zelimos is pretty cool. Yeah, he is direct and whatnot but to compare him to that twat davidw is ludicrous. davidw does nothing but PICK ON PEOPLE. He follows their posts and takes potshots at them ad-nauseum. He's a bully.
"O_VAUGHAN"]BTW, I saw what you posted about puzzles and I didn't think a lot of it at first but considering the innuendos used by yourself in this thread i am inclined to believe that you have insulted me. Shame, really. I thought things were cool between you and I. I suppose this has something to do with the posts I have made about davidw. You don't think I'm the only one who sees this in him, do you? The guy might contribute a thing or 2 but he's surely run off a lot of people during his reign of terror... Well, he is not going to run me off.
headspace wrote:Is Zelimos back? I'm confused, I thought he gave a leaving speech.
Lucy wrote:Hello everyone.
I see that my absence has not stopped people from making cutting remarks about me. I assume the original post about a girl on a "power trip" was supposed to mean me, right?
I think I've been fair in the face of obvious pointless arguing on the forum, and I have consulted with other more experienced mods wherever possible about the problems that I've seen. I've even asked the advice of a man in my office who has been on forums for a lot longer than me in order to make sure that I haven't made any silly mistakes.
Looking at the state of things at the moment, someone on a "power trip" might not be such a bad thing...
Zelimos wrote:Didn't read all of your post lucy, couldn't really be bothered. you're correct about the first part though.Good to know you're dealing with a fell deck there :S .
Zelimos wrote:Haha! DavidW is calling me O_Zelimos. Are you trying to accuse me of being O_VAUGHAN!? That's awesome.Any reason?
Zelimos wrote:I gave my leaving speech, doesn't mean I have to stop posting.No, of course not. It just means you're an idiot.
Zelimos wrote:"OMFG ZELIMOS SED HE WOZ LEAVINGZ AND HE HASUNT OMFG H4x0r IMA TELL ALIX YOU H4X!!!!"And what's "H4x1n9" got to do with you continuing to post here?
Go cry DavidW, go cry...
Tr0n wrote:It's all fun when I make myself look like a prat for not closing off quotes .
And I am simply pointing out an opinion that him ignoring his own statement about leaving, made him look silly.
I can't even remember what he wrote first off.
davidw wrote:Now this is interesting. The two biggest idiots on the forum are friends with each other. Stick 'em both together and you might just have an IQ in double figures.
davidw wrote:But I was so ecstatic over your leaving (and let's face it, I'm not the only one) that I just felt the need to mention it a few times. Considering the way you act, you can hardly blame me, can you?
But you didn't leave. Sigh. Like a bad penny, you keep on showing up time and again. Will we ever be rid of you?
davidw wrote:Really? You and your resident trollmates certainly pay enough attention to me. Unknown can't post a message on the forum without mentioning me at some point.
Lucy wrote:It would certainly make it easier to know who wants to chat and who just wants to fight all the time.
I think Alex is the only one who can make it happen.
Lucy wrote:Agreed Zelimos, although I like the fact that there's a chat area so that people can get to know each other outside of gaming issues.
If there was a "chat" area AND a "flaming" area, people would know that their flames have to be kept to one place, and anything flamey in the chat bit would be moved or deleted.
It might also be a good idea to make it so that certain people only had access to the flame area and not the chat. Davidw seems to thrive on insulting people, which would be okay in a flame area, but since he doesn't contribute anything else to the chat area, he should probably be kept out of it.
davidw wrote:And again we have it with the "Davidw doesn't contribute anything to the chat area" from our resident mod who doesn't really seem to have a clue what's going on. Do yourself a favour. Have a look at the recent forum in the chat area and see how many threads I've started having a go at someone, then take a look at the ones by Unknown. For some reason, you seem to have this idea that I come here and do nothing but insult him, and seem oblivious to the fact that that's just what he does. Every comment I've made that could be construed as an insult to him is in reply to one he made towards me, yet you never seem to notice this. How many more forum members has he got to insult before you're going to finally stop sticking up for him?
Or, better still, how many more mistakes as a mod are you going to make before you lose your mod abilities? You certainly don't have a clue what you're doing.
Lucy wrote: wrote:
It would be quite apt to set him up in a little troll cave where people could go and throw scraps for him to get excited about. At the moment he treats the whole forum as though he owns it.
the idiot davidw wrote:
You say that and you consider yourself a mod?
steve the gaming guy wrote:"Lucy"
This forum needs a special "flame war" section where you boys can fight it out without spoiling it for everyone else.
Lucy, Unknown, Zelimos vs. davidw.... at least that's what I'm seeing.
It's good to see everyone becoming fast friends.
davidw wrote:I'd love to sit you down in front of a shrink one day and see what he made of you. It might be quite enlightening.
davidw wrote:You like Tron, Unknown? Is that the same Tron you called a sycophant, had in your Hate List and accused of being one of my minions?
I've noticed that Tr0n is definately a fan of davidw
I've come to realize that in fact, tr0n is just a big fan of your's.
I admire tr0ns courage to contiue supporting you even though you are a mean spirited person.
I just realize that he is a bit, for a lack of better words "heavy handed" whilst MODerating my posts
Funny, I'm seeing that too. While everyone else is seeing it as a sudden 'fairness' has come over it somehow.Lucy, Unknown, Zelimos vs. davidw.... at least that's what I'm seeing.
Tr0n, you have mentioned that Zelimos is the forum scratching post
AHA!Just because I am a mod does not mean that I am not allowed to have an opinion of you or anything else.
Tr0n wrote:
Please, if you have any issue then PM Lucy/Alex/I with the details of why you think it's un-just. I do try my best to explain why I've done the things I do (edit,lock or delete).
I suppose you can post up here any examples you'd like to share, where I block off yours, while letting David loose... And just closing off a topic where he's a last poster (and so get's 'the last laugh') is not 'proof'.
Tr0n wrote:
You can't be a totally 'fair' moderator, as you form opinions about certain people. BUT, you can be as fair as possible etc.. And so your opinion doesn't really effect your mod stuff etc.
Hmmm, it's so hard to explain.
The fact that he slams me and I dont get any retort.
Who said that?I have to sit and take it
Voice your side about what? Basically saying what's been said before?I can't start a new thread to voice my side.
O_VAUGHAN wrote:"davidw"
I'd love to sit you down in front of a shrink one day and see what he made of you. It might be quite enlightening.
I'll bet you would. You should think about seeing a Psychiatrist yourself, you pedantic windbag. Perhaps then you could see once and for all what everyone else does which is the swollen festering puss-oozing boil that is your awe-inspiring ego and bloated sense of self-importance. It has actually filled this place to such a degree that none can escape it. Almost every thread started in this forum instantly fills with the gas of one of your hideous farts in the form of a post. I liken your opressive presence to a scorched-earth campaign set out by an unknown commander to put down those who dare to show their presence. I will admit that there are some who find your tyranny amusing, but I do not. I never have.
The Unknown wrote:"davidw"
You like Tron, Unknown? Is that the same Tron you called a sycophant, had in your Hate List and accused of being one of my minions?
Yes the one and the same. I've come to realize that in fact, tr0n is just a big fan of your's. You are like an idol to him. He has shown loyality to you.
I admire that in a person. I admire tr0ns courage to contiue supporting you even though you are a mean spirited person.
I can't help but wonder if He will shine to me after playing my ultimate game I'm working on now. I'm sure it will change the course of gamedom forever. Perhasp even you will want me to show some of my stylized techniques. After you've eaten sufficient crow I might let you in on them.
The Buck
davidw wrote:
You'll probably see this as a bash - then again, you see everything I say as a bash so nothing new there - but bragging about a game you haven't even written yet after you've shown no indication that you even know how to write a game, is just going to make you look like a fool in the end.
You really think your game is so great? Fine. Take me up on my dare and enter it in this year's IFComp. When the critics from RAIF and RGIF have torn it apart in two dozen ways, slouch back here and I'll take great delight in saying "I told you so". But in the meantime, do everyone a favour and stop bragging about a game that isn't finished and, most likely, never will be.
The Unknown wrote:Steve if you look back I tried to be friends with davidw, or the bare minimum not in a hostile posting situation. He is the one that's attacked me...
The Unknown wrote:Steve I have no problems with you. How's your games coming along? I got a humdinger in the works. It's gonna be a great game.
steve the gaming guy wrote:
I've been reading all along. I'm not denying anything you're saying but here's some advice. As much fun as it is to read these "wars", if you wish to have them stop, just stop. If you say something about someone whether you're speaking to them or not, that person will respond....and then you respond...and then they respond.... (like how Tr0n has said several times) If you don't say something about that person in the first place, there's nothing to respond to. If you do happen to say something and they respond,...and then you DON'T respond....again, there is nothing to respond to. It's almost like magic.
steve the gaming guy wrote:
Well thanks. My full version of King's Quest V has been done for a few weeks but my beta-tester wanted to pass it along to his programming friend before I post it on here. I don't want to toot my own horn but I'll say this though, if you put a lot of time into a game creating it, your work will definitely show in the end.
I am also working on Get Out of the Really Big House [currently working title]. It's the sequel to my first-ever game on Quest....well first game ever anywhere actually!
I started another game called Bonesaw. It's a comedy/horror. Strange combo but I think it'll be good. If I get cracking, I might be able to submit it in the IF contest. I don't know if I'm going to be able to make it though. We'll see.
Lucy, Unknown, Zelimos vs. davidw.... at least that's what I'm seeing.
Daisy wrote:I think its the world vs. David
davidw wrote:"O_VAUGHAN"
Now that I have unraveled Davidw's diabolical plot it will be interesting to see what plan he implements next from the Sociopath's Handbook.
I'll probably just settle for quoting posts of yours that make you look barking mad.
Now that I have unraveled Davidw's diabolical plot it will be interesting to see what plan he implements next from the Sociopath's Handbook.
davidw wrote:Oh, I thought it was quite witty myself. But then there have been so many trolls on the forum lately, dear Z, that I've been stretched a bit thin coming up with witty insults for them all. Maybe I should just hold back and let you make a fool of yourself. After all, you've never needed my help to look stupid in the past.
davidw wrote:I think I only insult the idiots and the trolls on this forum.
Fortunately, Zelimos, you fit both categories really well.