davidw wrote:Yes, Unknown, tell us the secrets of writing the game that will win the IFComp 2006.
O_VAUGHAN wrote:"davidw"
Yes, Unknown, tell us the secrets of writing the game that will win the IFComp 2006.
Why in the hell do you keep taking pot shots at him, Davidw? This is the kind of crap that I have been talking about for a while now. It's not enough for you to respond, sometimes twice to his posts but you have to actually call him out when he's asking for help about his game. You know, you and your internet entourage may think that you are the know-all say-all about text games but I wouldn't be surprised if the Unknown doesn't show you up one day. Yes, Davidw, you will have your comeuppance and there are many of us who will be all to glad to watch quietly as you are served. Don't look to us for support either. You have pushed too many of us around and but for a few of us martyrs most have taken the high road and have sat quietly by as you have spewed your vitrolic prose onto this forum. Those of us who have stood up to your tyrannic crusade have gladly done so for the greater good. The day that you finally spiral out of control in the jetwash of someone like the Unknown will be a great victory for the downtrodden that you have so blithely run over for so long. Who is to say when this day will come? I don't know but I do know that all tyrants eventually fall victim to their own hubris.
...the story should come first. In my humble opinion, the coolest puzzle or neatest bit of coding is worthless if there is no point to even finding it.
davidw wrote: I'm curious as to just why he thinks his game is so amazing.
davidw wrote:Gee, that was a good come back. How long did it take you to come up with?
Reminds me of all those arguments we used to have before where I'd make you look like an idiot time and time again and you'd come back with the lamest reply of them all. Nice to see nothing's changed.