
I was just curious as to how many people here clean their noses.

It's not near disgusting or a bad habbit. The nose acts as a filter, and like every filter, it must be cleaned regularly. I clean my nose regularly, it feels good, and I can breath through my nose better when I do. It's said to be a very hygienic process, and eating your bogies can boost your immune system. Now I don't often eat my bogies, they don't taste very nice...

But how many of you really clean your noses?

That's disgusting.

Is it disgusting to clean your ears out? Is it disgusting to wipe between your legs after you go to the toilet? It's almost the same thing. It's not anywhere near disgusting. It's proven that people who clean their noses, are much cleaner people in general... I dunno about that though :D

Mr Toad
Maybe the act isn't disgusting, but talking about it is.

Well, I didn't ask what people though of it, I asked how many people clean their noses regularly.

One positive thing has come from this thread at least. The newcomers on the forum are realising just why so many of the old timers don't like Zelimos.

This whole thread is disgusting.

I pick my nose.... with a tissue.... in the toilet/in private.
I like breathing through my nose.
And the north SUCKS with black air.... in London I didn't get any black stuff!!

Lets look at this from the evolution's point of view, if our finger weren't ment to go in our noses, they wouldn't be able to. for example you can't put your finger in your ear far enough to hit your eardrum, but enough to clean it a bit, this is so you can't hurt yourself. so there is nothing wrong with 'cleaning' your nose. though jsut because something can be done, doesn't mean you should. for example we can put our hands in our bums but it's not very acceptable, neither is talnig about it, the same goes for this...

i clean my nose, and get told off for it but if i didn't do it it'd hurt as i gets full often. i don't eat them cos they taste funny....

Elex see's where I'm coming from.

And DavidW, what the hell does that have to do with anything. Not only is that statement completely bullshit, but once again you're trying to turn a harmless topic into a flaming war. Stop with the bullshit and stay out of my threads.

this is just plain grossssssss!

Zelimos wrote:And DavidW, what the hell does that have to do with anything. Not only is that statement completely s***, but once again you're trying to turn a harmless topic into a flaming war. Stop with the s*** and stay out of my threads.

Nice one, Zel. You've just turned a few other people against you.

i thought davidw was gone now? whydja come back!

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