Hmmm, anyone know Maths here?
I know ITID doesn't
... So I'm hoping for replies from these people:
Erm, that other guy who recently came back - actually could be slayer.... from the older boards....
..... hahaha, I know Ste's gonna reply
Anyway, it's about turning a weapon's price into a relative strength... Thi is NOT, I repeat NOT to do with Quest/ASL - but purely mathematical converting one amount into another...
Now I was thinking that a straight line-graph (X=Y) would be really stupid because it would give a quite expensive weapon an impossible amount of power and a very weak weapon very little power... So I was thinking about either # (1-X) + N = Y # or # (1 / X) * N = Y # o that you get a rounder curve and it means there's a sharp rise either at the beginning or end... Preferably the beginning... Oh yeah, and were I put X I would also put X^2 or X^3 or whatever...
Now I can't remember the graphs offhand, but am guessing the 1/X one never reaches 1, goes through zero - kinda like the tan graphs?
And the 1-X graph is just a negative graph of the X...
Erm, also, what do you think of natural log (logarithm)? Which is somewhere between X^2 and X^3 (if you didn't know)...
I don't want the weapon's too far apart but not too close either....
Maybe a simple line but steeper? X/2, X/3 ??
Oh, and just to stop me writing out a PM or whatever... Alex:
I haven't been on ICQ so my account's probably been deleted... I also lost your account anyway - so, would you please add me to your MSN list - or give me your contact? I would like to chat sometimes, but never really bother to ask... You don't have to - and you're quite within reason to quote: "Screw you hippie!"
, just an idea - that's all!