davidw wrote:The description of the TV is quite unusual in that it says "it's a TV… with buttons!!!" but trying to use the buttons or, indeed, examine them gives the default message that they're not there. Is it possible to watch the TV? I never discovered a way.
Typing "hint" when faced with a locked door advises that I might need a key to open it…
The description of the mantle informs you that there are several items on top of it yet trying to examine the mantle produces no further hints and if there are items there, I've no idea what they might be.
I start the game sitting on a couch but once I stand up from it, I'm not able to sit back down. Not an error as such, I guess, but the sort of thing that really should have been covered for the sake of completeness.
The end of the living room description contains "It's your average living room with the normal furniture: couch, shelf, TV. Kitchen, north." Surely the last two words are a typo?
Opening the window in the den gives the strangest message I've ever seen in a game: that my arms have been pulled off and are now lying on the carpet! Strange as this is, it's not half as strange as attempting to open the window again and seeing the exact same command displayed again and again and…
Awkward Puzzles
Upon picking up the bottle I discovered there was a key rattling around inside it yet was unable to open the bottle. A default message flashed up telling me that I couldn't do that. Why? Beats me. I was also unable to smash the bottle because that command - surely an obvious one when an item is stuck inside a smashable object - wasn't covered.
If you type 'look at tv', it replies: "It's a TV". If you type "Examine (or X) tv", it replies: "It's a TV...with buttons!" a little joke!
The description of the mantle informs you that there are several items on top of it yet trying to examine the mantle produces no further hints and if there are items there, I've no idea what they might be.
You sure about that? There is one item in particular you need on the mantle.
I start the game sitting on a couch but once I stand up from it, I'm not able to sit back down. Not an error as such, I guess, but the sort of thing that really should have been covered for the sake of completeness.
Type sit and the game replies "You don't need to sit. You're up and all ready to go now." Another joke, but yet, straightforward
There's an ingenious way to retrieve the key. (it uses another object)
I tried both but wasn't aware the description of the buttons was a joke. Is there a way to watch the TV?
Ok, don't get fired from work. When you get a chance, look at the mantle and I believe it shows a vase, a pencil and something else. (give-away tip right here)...Only the pencil can be picked up.Pretty sure. I examine the mantle and see something that makes me go "ow!" (or something like that. I'm at work right now and can't check.)
I see what you mean. If I recall correctly (I'm at work too so I can't check), I believe looking at the bottle says it's a bottle with a cork in it. X (or examine) bottle, reveals that a rusty key is jiggling inside. After knowing there is a cork, obviously the first attempt would be to 'pull the cork' which, of course, leads to a different puzzle. You have to figure out how to dislodge the cork. Anything further that I say about it, may give away the puzzle solution.I'd have sooner had a nice and easy wa: "open bottle". Or at least an explanation for why "open bottle" doesn't work.
davidw wrote:Here's hoping you fix the probs with the game and upload an amended version. I'm sure it'll be worth playing.