007bond wrote:Just a theory, but I could be right: aren't CAS files just encrypted? And if we found out the encryption method, then we could decrypt it, therefore making the CAS file format obsolete.
What Quest badly needs (much more than any de-compiler!) is a way to either package audio/graphics and or video files into the CAS file or as a seperate resource file so that we can have a neat distribution package for our finished games. I've nagged on at Alex before about this, (and have my own way around the issue - but that's another story) any chance of it happening soon Alex?
shellexe <picview.exe 9c6f0d>
What Quest badly needs (much more than any de-compiler!) is a way to either package audio/graphics and or video files into the CAS file or as a seperate resource file so that we can have a neat distribution package for our finished games
007bond wrote:Another very good point. But if Alex tested them before he played them, he should find those errors, and notify the author, who would then fix those bugs, then resubmit it. Then the good people of the world, ie Steve, would not have to waste their time fixing those bugs for them
007bond wrote:I know what you guys are saying, and it's true, but I would of thought that Alex at least loads the file into Quest to make sure it works before uploading it.