I've always found it hard to fill up a hard drive.
My Atari's 512 Mb (It may have been less IIRC) hard-drive was never full. Then my old Pentium-120's hard drive has 2 gig's I think... That took a few months to fill (remember, win98 takes up ~ 800Meg). Then the additional 500 meg drive (which was on the power supply) never got filled.
Then I've always had room since.
I do occasionally fill up a 6 or 8 gig drive, but once the stuff's burnt off onto CD/DVD, it's about 80+% free.
Anyway, I've used all sorts of things to get my PC working. I've had to sand away at a part of the CD plug to get it onto the motherboard, I've squashed a transister a little when putting in my graphics card before... Let's see, screwed the motherboard straight onto the backplate - no spacers (twice... And people complain about shorting their boards out and such... pffftttt).
I never wear gloves/ground myself when I reach into the PC (I usually touch the case though - although I think it needs to be at least plugged in to ground).
I've spilt coke over my keyboard, and onto a part of my laptop (that got me scared). I've bent up a pin in the monitor plug o that I had to tweak it back with a pair of electric tweasers... I've actually had a hard drive just dangling there near the bottom of the case (sure - it was just to quick-copy some data across... but still).
I've bent up some hard-drive IDE-pins before... trying to think... I'm sure there are others - but I can't remember them. All very sensible at the time though.
I like the "I don't know - it's still in my hand" excuse Al
... Very funny.