Exit problem

I'm new and just downloaded the latest desktop version. I tried to follow the tutorial about creating exit. But when i preview the game it seems didn't work at all. When i try the browser version, it works.

Is it some kind of bug or what? Could someone help me solve this?


PS. I'm sorry for my bad english


i'm pretty new too and I'm probably the one least qualified to answer.
However; when I started out I did like you (following the tutorial) and sometimes I made mistakes without knowing what I did and/or how to fix it.
When that happend I removed the script/command/function (exit, in this case) and started over. All the while reading very very carefully and following every word of the tutorial.
This really worked well for me. I'm, like I said, still new and don't know much but I have actually learned a lot.

Step 2 is, like you did, asking in the forums, people are very helpful in here. It would help them to answer if you copy/paste the code so they know what's up.

Hi, i just restart my tutorial. Create the game. And i directly run the game. As in tutorial doc said: when you type 'inventory' in command bar, there will appear some response: "you are not carrying anything." But guess what? I couldn't see that either :(

I'm getting frustrated here.


Can you post your game's code?

If you've never posted code, you can follow these links to learn how:



<!--Saved by Quest 5.7.6606.27193-->
<asl version="550">
  <include ref="English.aslx" />
  <include ref="Core.aslx" />
  <game name="2099">
    <inherit name="theme_typewriter" />
    <showhealth />
    <showmoney />
    <feature_limitinventory />
    <feature_lightdark />
    <feature_asktell />
    <feature_advancedwearables />
    <feature_advancedscripts />
    <defaultfontsize type="int">14</defaultfontsize>
    <menufontsize type="int">11</menufontsize>
    <showpanes />
    <turnoffcompass />
    <turnoffplacesandobjects />
    <showcommandbar type="boolean">false</showcommandbar>
    <start type="script">
      msg ("Kamu terbangun dengan nyeri hebat di belakang kepalamu. Tidak ada satu hal pun yang bisa menjelaskan kenapa kamu bisa berada disini. ")
    <menufont>'Lucida Console', Monaco, monospace</menufont>
  <object name="Restoran Fast Food">
    <inherit name="editor_room" />
    <descprefix type="string"></descprefix>
    <objectslistprefix type="string"></objectslistprefix>
    <description>Meja dan kursi makan berserakan di lantai. Angin malam yang masuk dari jendela yang pecah menambah sakit di kepalamu semakin menjadi. Suara genset sayup terdengar dari arah belakang.</description>
    <usedefaultprefix type="boolean">false</usedefaultprefix>
    <object name="player">
      <inherit name="editor_object" />
      <inherit name="editor_player" />
    <exit alias="south" to="Dapur">
      <inherit name="southdirection" />
  <object name="Dapur">
    <inherit name="editor_room" />
    <usedefaultprefix type="boolean">false</usedefaultprefix>
    <dark type="boolean">false</dark>
    <darkroomdescription type="string"></darkroomdescription>
    <description>Kulkas dan beberapa alat masak mungkin masih berfungsi.</description>
    <descprefix type="string"></descprefix>
    <objectslistprefix type="string"></objectslistprefix>
    <exit alias="north" to="Restoran Fast Food">
      <inherit name="northdirection" />


You have the command bar disabled.

You can remove this line from code view:

<showcommandbar type="boolean">false</showcommandbar>

OR you can fix it in the GUI:

Hi, thanks for the fast response.

Just enabled the command bar, but still couldn't activate exit from "Restoran" to "Dapur"


I enter GO SOUTH, and I go south.


I may not understand what you're trying to do...

...unless you're wanting to add a different language template to the game, or wanting an EXIT command.

I believe this person already solved their problem.

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