in command line language, your variables are done via:
(I'm actually struggling with understanding it, so forgive me if I got it wrong below, lol. For me, quest is much easier to understand)
Variable Syntax: variable_string_name = Value_or_Expression
Value_Old: %variable_string_name%
Value_New: !variable_string_name!
in quest:
-> Variables (local: only for that specific script block you create~set it within)
-> Attributes (global: can be used anywhere in the game, as it's attached~saved to an Object, so long as that Object exists, of course)
Variables: variable_string_name = Value_or_Expression
Attributes: Object_name.Attribute_name = Value_or_Expression
and, as for already mentioning, for telling the quest engine that you want to get a typed-in input by the person playing the game, it's the:
'get input' Script
in code:
msg ("What is your name?")
get input {
// the quest engine automatically hidden from you, sets a local variable, a built-in Variable (result): result = your_typed_in_input
// which you can then set to a global variable, an attribute:
player.alias = result
// conceptually: player.alias = result = your_typed_in_input -> player.alias = your_typed_in_input
and in command line language, it looks like this:
set /p variable_string_name =
// you then can type in your input, which will be attached to that variable_string_name, and the value gotten via using %variable_string_name% or !variable_string_name!
and the other way to get inputs, is with Commands, but let's not get into this, as it's a different beast than just simply getting an input during game play.
the 'NAME' Attribute is the ID in~for quest engine, whereas a 'name' as we associate with would be the built-in 'ALIAS' Attribute (or a custom Attribute, for example: player.first_name_string)