Hey, I fixed my game finally. Do you guys think it's better?
Here's the OG: https://textadventures.co.uk/games/view/h7yoxehweusehtltdhgupq/indigo-park-chapter-1-the-text-adventure-part-1
Here's the remaster: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/u0wybowdg3u8etk2kgulb/Indigo-Park-Ch.-1-The-Text-Adventure-Part-1.quest?rlkey=alq0imdcny4yn6udn57kn4t9l&st=xxvpbdqa&dl=0
I reached
You are in a Main Courtyard.
which seems a bit short for a game, but I see you have a part 2, so I guess its over there
So, your first few stories are very large and hard to read, rather than jamming it into one hard to read paragraph, you can try this code instead
msg ("As you enter a small employees-only room, you begin to look around.")
wait {
msg ("As you look closely at a TV hanging on the wall, it flicks on, scaring you half to death.")
wait {
msg ("A purple raccoon, the park's mascot, springs up in front of a bright blue background. \"Hi there, and welcome to Indigo Park!\"")
is "wait for key press" if you can't find it in the graphic user interface
So rather, than forcing the player to read the whole story, you can split the remaining stories into
Rather than letting players click on dropbox links to download file which seems scary and possibly dangerous, you can actually update your quest game directly into textadventure itself
Generally, I am not good at parser puzzle game creation,
but it seems like you finally got the "use" button verb to finally work,
which means you can simply add in various objects with "use" to create puzzles
Perhaps you already knew, you might want to add in player's room as additional requirement into "use" verb
if (game.pov.parent = room5) {
msg ("you opened the cage")
else {
msg ("doesn't seems to work ")
I just realized posting a game outside of textadventure arcade essentially removes the 20mb limit,
meaning you can put as many pictures, music and videos as you want,
this just changes the whole playing field