Fantasy Life: Take 2

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Starting Over
This is my 2nd attempt at making this game. I had stopped working on the original a while ago as I simply wasn't happy with what the project had turned into.

After about 6-7 months of reflecting on what went wrong, I now feel comfortable enough to restart the project.

I've made a very barebones MVP (there's literally only 1 quest), and published the project. I wanted to go ahead and put it out there so that I could incorporate any feedback and ideas during development.

The player can specify world size, the number of civilizations per race, and the number of settlements per civilization. The game world is randomly generated based on these specifications.

Once generated, the player is placed in a random region, where they'll have to explore until they come across a location.

After entering the location, the player can join a guild (Courier's Guild) and start doing quests for the guild.

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What's New

  1. Player can specify the starting number of NPCs
  2. Player can choose their character's race and culture
  3. Player can either enter their character's first and last name or generate a first and last name based on their culture

The main focus for this update was to add NPCs into the game.

NPCs have one of the following work traits: First Shift, Second Shift, or Third Shift. If its currently time for them to work they'll perform actions related to their Role, which is randomly selected during NPC generation. If its not time for them to work they'll randomly travel the game world.

Courier NPCs are the only ones that'll actually work currently. Courier NPCs join the Courier's Guild, accept quests (there's still only 1 quest), and will attempt to complete their quest during their shift.

What's Next

  1. Allow Player to cancel quests
  2. Add Guild reputations
  3. Make it where Guild members with bad reputations have a chance to get kicked out of the guild
  4. Allow ex Guild Members to repair their bad reputations by paying a fee

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What's New

  1. Player and NPCs reputations with guilds are tracked.
  2. Player can now cancel quests, which results in negative reputation points with the associated guild.
  3. Guild members have a chance of being kicked out whenever they cancel / fail a quest.
  4. Player can forage for items.
  5. Added attributes and skills.
  6. Player can choose from 2 different leveling systems at the start of the game: XP or Point.

What's Next

  1. Make Forager and Well Worker NPC's functional.
  2. Add wells to locations that the Player and NPC can interact with.

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What's New

  1. Forager and Well Worker NPCs are now functional.
  2. Player can get water from wells that are in locations.
  3. Disabled NPC movement messages. They slow the game down when you use the wait command.

What's Next

  1. Player can buy/sell items at a location's market.
  2. Allow Player to choose a role. Roles affect starting stats and items.
  3. Add Thief role.
  4. Add Thieves guild.
  5. Add banking system

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What's New

  1. Player can buy/sell at markets
  2. Added Perception attribute
  3. Added Gem Cutting, Mining, Pickpocketing, and Stealth skills
  4. Added Thief role.
  5. Added Thieves guild
  6. Player can pickpocket others
  7. Added Miner role
  8. Added Jeweler role
  9. Player & NPCs can mine
  10. Player & NPCs can cut gems
  11. Player can choose a role during character creation. Roles affect starting stats and items if the player is using the xp leveling system

What's Next

  1. Make it where NPC Thieves complete quests
  2. Add Banking System
  3. Add Kleptomaniac personality trait
  4. Allow NPCs to pickpocket others
  5. Allow Player and NPCs to steal from markets
  6. Add Location reputations

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What's New

  1. PC & NPCs can steal from the market.
  2. PC & NPCs Location reputation decreases when caught stealing from the market.
  3. Thief NPCs can join the Thieves Guild and complete quests.
  4. Added the Kleptomaniac personality trait.
  5. NPCs can pickpocket others.
  6. Added the Town Guard role but it doesn't do anything yet.

What's Next

  1. Add Banking System
  2. Make it where you can buy/sell multiple items at a time at the market.
  3. Mark items as stolen when caught stealing.
  4. Town Guards may check for stolen items when entering a location.
  5. Add the ability to be sent to jail.

Passing Time in Jail & In General
The main inspiration for this game is Daggerfall. Along with a banking system, Daggerfall had a crime system where the PC had to go in front of a judge for their crime. Depending on their stats, the PC could potentially get off scot-free.

I would like to implement something like that later on but for right now I just want the PC and NPCs to be sent directly to jail.

The issue is that passing time in the game can be very slow at times. Depending on how long the PC is sentenced for, the game is just going to stall.

I think the main reason passing time is slow is because of how the NPCs work. I'm glad that I've simulated them to the point that they operate like the Player in order to complete their goals/quests but I'm going to have to figure something else out.

Here are some ideas I've come up with:

  1. Each day the game would randomly select a limited number of NPCs to be active and the rest of the inactive NPCs do nothing.
  2. Implement a system that abstractly progresses the NPCs when a large amount of time has to pass. For example, instead of having the NPCs travel room by room to a location to complete a quest. Just instantly teleport them there. Or instead of having the NPC actually go out into the world to complete a quest, just roll a dice and automatically complete/fail the quest depending on the results.

I think the best thing to do is implement both of these into the game but if anyone else has any ideas please feel free to share!

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Time Passing Lag
I should have the next update done and uploaded by this upcoming Saturday. I just wanted to give an update on the passing of time lag issue.

Passing time is a lot faster now that I made it where only a set number of NPCs are active each day.

At the start of the game the Player can enter how many NPCs they want to be active each day and at 12AM NPCs will be randomly selected for activation.

As long as you keep the number of active NPCs fairly low, you can have a large amount of NPCs in the world with little to no noticeable lag. I created as many as 500 NPCs and kept the number of active NPCs between 1 and 10.

Now, there is the issue of inactive NPCs just standing around. To fix that, I think I'm going to go ahead and add citizenship into the game, at least for NPCs.

I'm going to start off by changing the setting where the Player can enter their desired amount of NPCs to generate. Instead it'll ask the Player how many NPCs do they want to generate per Location.

Each NPC that is generated will automatically be made a citizen of the Location they're generated for and a citizen of the Location's Civilization.

If an inactive NPC doesn't own a home in their Location they'll automatically be teleported (when the Player isn't looking) into a hidden room that's attached to that Location. Where they'll wait until they're selected for activation again.

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What's New

  1. PC can deposit, withdraw, and check their balance at banks inside of locations.
  2. Items can now be marked as stolen.
  3. Implemented the NPC activation system.
  4. There's a chance that town guards will check the PC for stolen items when entering/leaving a location.
  5. If PC is caught with stolen items they are sent to jail where they have to wait out their time.
  6. You can now bulk buy/bulk sell items at the market.
  7. Added commands to help with debugging: toggle npcdebug, toggle debug, add gold #text#.

What's Next

  1. Make it where NPCs are generated with citizenships to a location and the location's civilization.
  2. Make it where NPCs also experience inventory checks and can be sent to prison.
  3. Make it where NPCs can use the bank.
  4. Thieves Quest: One of our fellow thieves has been imprisoned in [Location]! Break [Entity] out of prison!

Prison Events
As of right now, when the PC is sent to prison the only thing you can do is wait. I want to add in random events that can happen to make the experience more engaging. I want it to happen is that a popup will appear describing what's happening and give the player a list of choices to make (basically a CYOA). Here's an example of an idea I have:

Prison Event - Prison Break
"Get up, NOW! You've just received a new prison work assignment."

Before you can respond a guard snatches you from your cell and throws you into an empty room.

The guard quickly locks the door behind them and removes their helmet.

If the PC doesn't know who they are, they'll whisper:
"Hello, I'm [Entity]. I'm a fellow Thieves Guild member and I've been sent to break you out!"

If the PC does know who they are:
"It's me, [Entity]. The Thieves Guild sent me to break you out!"

"Here. I managed to take this guard uniform from the armory. Put it on and we can just walk right out the front!"

You quickly put the uniform on and the two of you began walking out of the prison.

As you're walking, [Entity] suddenly stops and curses under their breath.

You ask what's wrong.

"That guard by the entrance is staring you down. I think you may be wearing their armor."

You look and see that the guard is scowling at you with their arms crossed. What do you do?

  1. Confidently walk past them. (Charisma)
  2. Give a fake explanation as to why you're wearing their uniform. (Intelligence)
  3. Knock the guard out. (Strength)
  4. Look for another way out. (Perception)

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What's New

  1. Instead of entering how many starting NPCs to generate overall, Player enters how many NPCs to generate per location.
  2. NPCs have a citizenship to a Location and the Location's Civilization.
  3. NPC's can experience inventory checks.
  4. Added Rebellious trait. NPCs with this trait will refuse a guard's inventory check.
  5. PC and NPCs can refuse inventory checks, which result in an obstruction of justice charge.
  6. NPCs are thrown in prison if caught carrying stolen items.
  7. NPCs can deposit gold at the bank.
  8. PCs in the Thief Guild can receive a quest to get a fellow member out of prison. There's no way to complete it yet though.

What's Next

  1. Finish Thief Guild Quest by allowing PC to either pay a fine to get the Thief member out of prison or sneak them out.
  2. PC and the NPC they're trying to save may end up with new/extended sentences if they're discovered while sneaking.
  3. A bounty will be placed on the NPC if PC successfully sneaks them out of prison.
  4. Make sure NPCs can complete this quest too and potentially get PC out of prison as well as other NPCs.
  5. Ability to toggle sneak mode.
  6. Allow PC & NPCs to sneak in/out of locations to evade inventory checks.
  7. Add lockpicking skill.
  8. Add lockpicks.
  9. Add Bounty Hunter role.


  • Obstruction of Justice: 1-3 Days
  • Possession of Stolen Goods: 5 - 10 Days

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