Help with picture pleeze

Every1 elses pic is smaller but somehow mine is extra large and I tried to make it change but its waaaaay bigger! LOL Can any1 help me with this?

Thanks soooooooooooo much!!!!


Remove it for now. Change the dimensions of it in an imaging program and upload it again.

OK, thnx were much more helpful then that other dood who yelled at me about it being too big.

It's deleted but I just got it off Google & don't know about imaging program.

Can I send it to U or some1?



Give me a link, and I will resize it for you.
I'll even give it a place on the interweb.

You guys R great!!!!

It's on Photobucket: ... leader.gif



P.S. I didn't want 2 post my real pic

could you try and bubble and giggle a wee bit more?

I'll bet pink is your favorite color also.

Here... this might be appropriate for you ... eddoll.jpg


Hey, if the person's a cheerleader then they can have a cheerleader pic.
.. Just because you want to rebel against 'stereotypes', and infact conform to another stereotype - which is itself ironic - that doesn't give you the right to hassle a person based on one picture (or infact their belief structure).

Here's the pic -
This should be a nice enough size for the forums.

Oh U R soooo sweet, Tr0n. Thanks so much. U r amazing!

2 rockyroad - I dont want 2 use a real pic and besides that 1 isnt like me. U can keep it TYVM

cheers! heeheehee



Pink is a pretty & soft color 2 btw.


Please, please, please, PLEASE... Type properly..
Forum's aren't space limited, it takes only a few seconds more and it saves my brain from hurting when looking at the screen.

Also, the incitement to flame stops here please.. No come backs etc.

I'm sure i can think of a good come-back, given some time.

Anyway, welcome to axeuk Cheerleader Chick, I'm elex, tron's girlfriend (sorry, he's taken, but he might go doubles).

Also, is it just me or is there a very sudden increase in the number of girls here, for years it's only been guys (and me), now we've got cheerleaderchick, gamergurl, etc, etc.... (i'm not sure about rockyroad, i thought it was jsut an icecream). Why have all these girls joined?

Cheerlaeder Chick, how did you find axeuk, and why did you join, i'm sorry if i sound a bit demanding or anything, but it's really confusing why you're here, this is a place for geeky guys to talk about programming....

It's because they know how the high quality standard of man I am, and have just flocked in here ;) .

No, I didn't realize it until you mentioned it Elex, but I guess so.

... And the doubles - I doubt it, but all things are possible - if you're drunk enough.

OK OK OK Im just used to sending IMs on my phone!

Thanks 4 all the help here. Ooops sorry did it again.

Actually I was Googling for help on the SIMS and then started looking at how to make some own codes and games and then saw some posts Tr0n made and then he helped me because I don't know anything about how to change or fix pix.

See how helpful he was? Thanx for explaning about not needing to save space here. That was really nice. People learn better when not yelled at. Does that make sense?

I hope you are right about the comebacks now too Tr0n and that she won't comeback.

Elax, are you realy serius about doubles? So would you, if we could? I can't believe you are both in England.



Oh, my real name is Christy. Is it ok to give first names?

lol, of course i was joking. i'm never serious, esp when it comes to rude jokes, unless it's shouting chinchin at tron randomly, lol. yeah, he is a great guy... hope you're catching all this, you've got two ladies after you now! CAT FIGHT!! no really, he's great, unless he's brainwashing 3 year olds to hate you, but oh well no-one's perfect right? i am of course, but i'm special, oh so special. oh and it's elex, not elax, like alex but all 'e's, i actually made my name because it liked the name alex and changed to to 'elex' and the end just jumped out and sounded good. tron when are you going to change your name then, and what to? tronV or X? 'v' is better cos it can stand of naughty stuff, tehe.... lol. sorry if i'm going on a bit, just finished my GCSE english lit exam, it was hard and i was sleepy, not a good combination, yes? i also nearly wet myself, as it was hot and i was drinking lots to cool me down, but i managed to hold it to the end, yay. i think that's near the top of not what to do in an exam, next to having your phone set on max volume and somebody calling you in the middle of the exam, which also happened! owned.... i love you guys so much, really, always been there.... oh i'm going to cry now!

andwhenwetalkreallyfastallatoncewecan'tunderstandanything :P .

Calm down dear - it's only a commercial!

And it's not brainwashing! I prefer to call it "training young minds to think what I want them to" :) .
And it certainly wasn't to hate you.

I dunno.. Might be Tr0nX... Doesn't look right though. Tr0nV either.
Tr1t0n... Nope...
Really hate finding names for my aliases, they always sound rubbish.

Please get loads of sleep before the exams, and eat banana's for brekky (wake you up more than caffeine and it helps keep the brain active (so I was told).
And why was your phone left on? TURN IT OFF BEFORE GOING IN :P .. You could get your exam disqualified as well!

And about you joking - I'm gonna cry now :cry: .

The Titanic sunk.


It's quite cool..
If you look up troll in a dictionary you'll se that it's a term for 'fishing'.. Which is what a troll does: throw out a line with a hook waiting for someone to reply to them.

CheerleederChick and RockyRoad ... are sheep

Yeah, I guess they could be assumed to be following specific stereotypes.
Although I wouldn't want to judge them (my previous post about RockyRoad was meant to be an example of stereotyping someone).

And Daivid - they keep batting them up - you keep hitting them out of the ball-park ;) .

Thanks to Cheerleader Chick for typing words out.
I can now read again! \o/

And S1aY3R. I think I remember you contributing to calls for help from newer members.

I've noticed davidw to contribute a lot. When someone posts or uploads something useful he's always ready with constructive criticism. When someone posts something useless or idiotic he's usually sarcastic. Solution? Post something useful. I think I've had davidw bash me once or twice, and that's it.

I didn't know I'd ever bashed you. Maybe made a few wry comments about your work in progress that isn't, um, in progress. :o

uhhhh...why am I a sheep and what does that mean exactly?

Its a big I?

All I's are big.... Unless you're tired, and then they droop a bit.

oh hahahahahhaa! You are so funny & cute 2.


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