Game Genres

Hello folks, Im just wondering what type of genre folks develop most? Im guessing probably fantasy style? Im working on an idea for a Sci-Fi colony storyline.

One thing I've noticed is that Quest can be used to make some pretty complex games and much easier then using a MUD server, you just have to figure out how to handle combat. Has anyone worked on Quest along this line?

Thanks and have a great day!

It does seem that most of the people working on games right now are doing large fantasy RPG's....but not all of us.
I am making a horror game (50% complete right now yahhhhh).
As far as combat, I'm afraid I can not help you. But do not despair because just about everyone around here will be able to help you.
Good luck with your game.

Tron's making a really cool turn/ratio-based battle system, I'm working on one using 'advantage' points to determine whether you're attacking or defending... As quest doesn't come with a battle system it means you can make your own one fit your game exactly how you want it. Better in my opipion.

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