Quick Question

The Unknown
do ya have to have quest loaded to open up games? I'm having issues (see developer forum) getting it up and running. I want to check out some games and try to help Ryori get an idea of where to start at.

You need to install Quest to play Quest games.

Hi Tr0n!


I'm not on 24/7 you know :P
... Quite co-inc-i-dink-le... (coincidental) ... I happen to just browse a little while after you posted..

Im so glad! I think you are in a diffrent time zone there.

We are out of school now and Im working at burger joint here. Its called PomPoms and i get good tips. You are suposed to be 16 but I told them I was already old enough but that wont really happen until next month. They pay me in cash plus i keep all the tips. I want to get a topless car. Whooohooo!


The Unknown
Tr0n wrote:Yes.
You need to install Quest to play Quest games.

thanks dude

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