new here

Hi guys. Found your board via Google. Making a game like this sounds fun but challenging - is there anyone here that can help me with my first one? I noticed that CheerleaderChick wanted help as well...maybe there should be a mentor thread to help noobs like me.

Moved to Chat

Most of the people here will help.
Ask for more specific questions about game making in the developer forum - and more general stuff in the games and chat.

Stu Pedaso
hi christina, i'm a girl, so i'll be glad to help you, some of the guys here, ahem ahem i won't name any names, are haters and downright godless heathen communists who should be smote by the Lord God. I have mad skillz so I can help you. PM me if u like.

Hi Christina and welcome. Tr0n is right. There are plenty of nice folks around who will help you if you want to develop some games. Have a look round and enjoy yourself. :)

Hi and welcome. Just ask me if you have ANY problems, I'll be happy to help.

Stu Pedaso
no, ask me first becos i gots mad, MAD skillz.

Please show me your mad MAD skillz Stu.

ha! i hope nobody gets mad at their MAD madskillz!

The Unknown
I'm mad becasue I have no skillz.. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

So...Who wants to mentor me?

steve the gaming guy
What specifically do you need help with :?:

steve, is that your real pic?


steve the gaming guy
Yes, I look just like Weird Al Yankovic.

:lol: Just having a bit of fun. No, it is not my real pic. Maybe I'll post it some day.

ha! that weird al is a riot!

maybe i'll show you mine if you she me yours?!?!?!?!


steve the gaming guy wrote:What specifically do you need help with :?:
Uhm...I'm not sure. What's the first thing that I need to do?

The Unknown
Hi Christina....belated welcome. :oops:

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