Squared Off

witch wyzwurd

I'm building a huge cube (i'll mention dimensions later) with rooms of equal size. It's quite experimental; especially the last half of that word. Have any suggestions?

Well there is an 'up' and 'down' direction so you can have 3-d areas. The actual size or the rooms (whether there the same size or not) matters little.

You could use a 'grid' system...
Perhaps you can get a demo from Steve (the gaming guy)..

steve the gaming guy
...designed by Computer Whizz (that was his alias at the time *wink, wink*...) :roll:

A grid would be good, yes. That is, depending on how big the area or cube will be. I'd say if it's less than 20 or 30 rooms big, just make the rooms and don't worry about the grid idea.
To be clear, I'm not downing the grid at all.

Haha ;) ... Not promoting my own work at all :P .

I'd agree to some extent.. Anything under (say) 20 should be fine to just create rooms.. Creating a 3D map-grid system would be cool!
Especially if we could create grids using arrays for each layer...

And then layers above and blow that one!

... YUM!

Probably impossible (or near enough) with ASL-350.

You could just use a string representation of a 3d area. XXYYZZ. I'm assuming this "grid system" operates within one defined room. Populating each respective room, however, would either require

1) "RoomStuff" object definition(s) to carry all of the properties and "stuff" that must be transfered to the "one defined room" (ODR). Special needs could be taken care of in an action script.

2) a general procedure or group of procedures that handled stuff/property transfer to the ODR.

Well, I think there are more ways to handle it, but I would hazard a guess that it is entirely possible in ASL. The obvious question with method 1 is: why code a bunch of objects relating directly to each room, when you could just code the rooms themselves? I think the answer is just a matter of organizational style. The possibility of coding a single RoomStuff object "registry" does come to mind.

What other methods would you try?

witch wyzwurd
Wherever you go... there you are... that's great, it makes me laugh everytime.

Thanks for suggestions with the cube... you all seem rather intelligent... check out http://www.markprovo.com for some heighthened mathematics. I heard him speak on Whitley Strieber's Dreamland internet program last February.


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