davidw wrote:I'm always pleased to drive trolls away. Normal people who contribute things? Nope. We need all of them that we can get.
Ask yourself: if Unknown wasn't on this forum, would any of today's hassles have even occurred?
Lucy wrote:David, I am starting to think that you are the cause of every problem this forum has ever had.
Alex wrote:If anybody has any objections about any actions taken by any moderator, please let me know all the details and I'll have a look into the matter. It would help if you could let me know the subject line of the post or thread being deleted for example.
Lucy wrote:If either of you has a problem with the way Tr0n and myself have been handling this situation, I refer you to this post by Alex recently"Alex"
If anybody has any objections about any actions taken by any moderator, please let me know all the details and I'll have a look into the matter. It would help if you could let me know the subject line of the post or thread being deleted for example.
As for your attempts to drive out other members, david, I don't think you should continue with it unless you are also prepared to leave yourself.
Lucy wrote:Well then go back and read my post, and then complain about me to Alex.
In my defence, I think that the only reason that you have a problem with me is because I'm a woman.
davidw wrote:"Lucy"
Well then go back and read my post, and then complain about me to Alex.
In my defence, I think that the only reason that you have a problem with me is because I'm a woman.
I have a problem with you because you seem wholly unsuited to be a moderator. You delete posts of mine yet leave offensive posts by Unknown and O_Vaughan untouched. You edited a post of mine to put something insulting in, then locked the thread so I couldn't change it. As a moderator, you're supposed to be the one who stops trouble, but if anything you seem to contribute to it.
The Unknown wrote:"davidw"
[quote="Lucy"]Well then go back and read my post, and then complain about me to Alex.
In my defence, I think that the only reason that you have a problem with me is because I'm a woman.
I have a problem with you because you seem wholly unsuited to be a moderator. You delete posts of mine yet leave offensive posts by Unknown and O_Vaughan untouched. You edited a post of mine to put something insulting in, then locked the thread so I couldn't change it. As a moderator, you're supposed to be the one who stops trouble, but if anything you seem to contribute to it.
davidw wrote:One of your very first posts on the forum was threatening to kill another forum member for "hitting on your doe". Is it any wonder you haven't made any friends here?
davidw wrote:The PM he sent me about my mother would hint otherwise. And his constant digs at me as well. Not to mention his new signature.
You might as well lock thread. I think it's served its purpose and a thread by Unknown remaining open for more than an hour is something of a rarity in any event.
Tr0n wrote:That is because the threads you started WERE about him!The fact my threads get locked is in large part due to you.
davidw wrote:Lucy, my main beef with you I've already said before, but I'll say it again: I don't think you're cut out to be a moderator. You aren't impartial. You aren't fair. You don't treat everyone equally. You deleted a number of my posts earlier yet left far more offensive ones by Unknown untouched; you edited a post of mine to post something insulting and then locked it so I couldn't change it. Those aren't the actions of a good moderator by any stretch of the imagination.
davidw wrote:And ever since you joined the forum, O_Vaughan, you've done nothing but go out of your way to antagonise me. Is it any wonder I dislike you?
O_VAUGHAN wrote:"davidw"
And ever since you joined the forum, O_Vaughan, you've done nothing but go out of your way to antagonise me. Is it any wonder I dislike you?
I started with you in defense of Zelimos because I figured he needed a friend. You ran him off in the end too. You jumped me and haven't stopped since. In defense of myself, Davidw, I am the one who pointed out that I respect your abilities and achievements. Think of what you could have accomplished if you had offered to mentor myself and others instead of attacking us? Thanks for nothing. I'm sure Zelimos isn't the first board member you've chased off.
The Unknown wrote:Attacking other people's spelling or gammar is lame. It's akin to a second grade cutdown, IMO.
davidw wrote:"The Unknown"
Attacking other people's spelling or gammar is lame. It's akin to a second grade cutdown, IMO.
I suppose I could just threaten to murder them but, well, that's just not me. I'm nicer than that. Heck, I'm so nice I'm not even going to mention the fact that you think you're going to win the IFComp this year with your masterpiece of a game-
Oops! Sorry. Forgot you told me that one in confidence. Don't worry. It'll be our little secret.
the buck wrote:The fact is: My game will eclispe all other games to date. I'm telling you it's the greatest piece of gamedom ever created.
davidw wrote:
Thanks for a good laugh.the buck wrote:
You'll cry when you are forced to give it a 10. You think that you are the beginging and the end of all game making... well move over the Buck has arrived. You reign of terror is at an end.
The Buckdavidw wrote:
Get rid of the 0 on the end of that figure and you're close to its score.the buck wrote:
that's a nice review on a game that you've not even see. You are a pompous ass aren't you? you couldn't even give credit to a wonderful game because you pride would hurt due to the fact It kicked all your games ass.
The buckdavidw wrote:
As you're a) retarded, b) an idiot and c) don't have a clue how to write a game, expect to receive lots of score of 1.the buck wrote:
As you're a)a pompous ass, b) a egotistical maniac, c) filled with delusions of grandure you have a retarded little opinion that I can't write a game.. that's nice considering you've never seen my brilliance in action.
Expect to eat crow when I win many awards... you loser.
The Buckdavidw wrote:
I'm planning to save that quote for when your first game bombs. You're beyond ridiculous but, at the same time, also kind of comical.
I'm saving all your quotes to ram them down your throat when my games win all the trophies..
davidw wrote:
And what kind of trophies are you expecting to win? The IFComp?
Go on, enter your game in the IFComp. I dare you."the buck"
Count on it as soon as it's finished. I would suggest you not enter at that time if you dont want to lose to my superior game.
The Buckdavidw wrote:
Rest assured if you chicken out of this year's IFComp, I'll make a point of posting this on the forum.the buck wrote:
If my game is ready by then I'll post it. You should know I'm not like everyone else. I'm not afraid of you. You don't intimidate me like you do tr0n and all the others. I will be posting it in this forum as soon as I finish. If I make the dealline for this year I'll post IFComp. if not I'll enter next year. either way you are going to eat major crow..davidw wrote:
I can see you're chickening out already. So basically you're going to wimp out of entering the IFComp and then claim it was because your game wasn't ready.
I knew you weren't man enough to accept my dare.the buck wrote:
Oh so I seee you going to try to goat me into entering an unfinished game so you can claim that your games are better. I see what you are doing david it wont work. You think you are so clever. I wont enter an unfinish game so you can pick it apart. I guesss this is where you post a partial PM dialog to make yourself look good in front of your lackeys.davidw wrote:
You're not entering your game in the IFComp for the simple reason that a) it's crap and b) you're too scared.the buck wrote:
I'm not entering my game in the IFComp for the simple reason: it's not finished
Read into what you want to. You are like a school yard bully. I wont take your abuse. I will stand up to you.
davidw wrote:Oh, this is boring. It's so easy to provoke you into making a fool of yourself, it's not even fun any more.
davidw wrote:Are you even intending to write a game? Or a review? Or anything along those lines? You seem to contribute a huge amount to the general flamewars that go on here, but as far as actual contributions go... well, you seem notoriously lacking.