You people need to lighten up

Flying Monkey
this is ridiculous. How can people behave like this?

behave like what?

The Unknown
well good luck.. again... be aware that davidw will attack you soon enough.

Flying Monkey, I think if you take a look at the no less than 8 threads Unknown here started yesterday about me, you'll find who the real idiot on the forums is. I'm sure there's a reason why he's never been banned, but no one seems to know what it might be.

PS - don't antagonise him or he might put you on his List. :)

davidw wrote:I'm sure there's a reason why he's never been banned, but no one seems to know what it might be.

That's funny, I was just thinking that about you.

And the ref gets in the way!

hahaha. I need to archive some of these posts.

Lucy wrote:


I'm sure there's a reason why he's never been banned, but no one seems to know what it might be.

That's funny, I was just thinking that about you.


hahaha, and DavidW makes a new enemy.

or has this been going on for a while now eh? tut tut. Goes to show, there are 2 people on this forum who post crap towards me, yet you seem to have a lot more people who dislike you.

Poor DavidW, at this rate, you'll never make any new friends!


David - no need to try and win over new kids on the block using the "see what he did!" technique.

... If you want to know the reason this is locked - it's because it's starting to roll downhill again.

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