
I have been away from here (and everywhere) due to being involved with a research project that has taken much of my time and I have only popped in from time to time. I did make one post but it wasn't taken well by Daisy. I didn't mean for it to come across the way it did. I thought I was only pointing out the obvious and the rolleyes were inserted for a humorous touch. Of course, Davidw jumped on as usual and everything went downhill from there. Oh well. Sorry, Daisy FWIW. And it did turn out to be a sunburn after all now didn't it? :wink: I'll try and get back to posting regular soon but for now I'm still heavily involved with the project.


Am I the only one thinking "damn, he's not left after all" right now?

@ davidw = you are. the only one.

we all missed ya oV.

some ppl cant ever be nice. at least you are nice most of the time.


CheerleaderChick wrote:

some ppl cant ever be nice. at least you are nice most of the time.


You're always good for a laugh. :)

Welcome back Vaughn

Nice to see that you noticed that you upset me :cry:

davidw wrote:You're always good ...

im good. youre not. glad you noticed.

now try to be a good baby boy and go suck your mamas nipple elsewhere.


CheerleaderChick wrote:


You're always good ...

im good. youre not. glad you noticed.

now try to be a good baby boy and go suck your mamas nipple elsewhere.


What is it with you and incest?

Lots of experience at it, I guess.

I heard a rumour once that inbreeding causes a remarkable decline in intelligence. Now I've encountered CC, I can believe it.

Yeah, it's basically the same thing as photocopying a photocopy. After about the 10th time it's hardly comparable to the original at all. It stagnates the gene pool.

who said anything about incest? ... nursing at mothers breast isnt incest! however when the child grows up and still behaves like an infant, then we products such as DAVIDW...

I notice you're not denying the incest comment, though.


I don't like the line this whole thing is taking.

I've had a few friends with these kinds of issues, and it's not funny.

Also, photocpies of photocopies? That's cloning of clones.
Incest just means there isn't much genetic variety as the genes involved are quite similar.. I'm not exactly sure how that could lead to deformations etc - but I'm not interested in genetics enough to really care.

.. Another post on the subject may edge me to lock the thread and delete some posts.

Here is a good candidate for a lock :shock:

or a punch in the eye...

I though the agressiveness was to happen after army school :lol:

I doubt it's incest.

Maybe CC was hit on the head with a cricket bat or a lead pipe.

I pity that cricket bat/lead pipe.

Daisy wrote:I though the agressiveness was to happen after army school :lol:

You forget I work as a doorman occasionally.

CheerleaderChick wrote:
some ppl cant ever be nice. at least you are nice most of the time.


so true.. How you been CC?.. Hows that shuz game coming along?

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