Ahhhh, that picture of cheerleader chick is scary!!
Erm, I'll be uploading my pics in a few minutes..
Expect this post to change before midnight (BST.. 3 hours from now).
Although I prefer to stay face-less, I think I may as well post a couple of my images. Doesn't hurt anyone..
3 pictures:
1st artsy (kinda).. Been using it as my MSN pic for about 4/5 months now?
2nd one from my hols. I like it. I was having a meal with Jess (a friend) and I put on her glasses.. Made me look geeky-intelligent!
Only thing I don't like about the second, is I'm sitting all hunchy and it's concaving my chest a fair bit.. Working with computers is pants!
3rd is most recent, 4 or 5 days ago, decided to take a pic.