I don't yet believe that it's all fake. A top scientist (Dr. Levingood (excuse spelling)) who has published many articles in world-renown scientific journals has studied crop-circle cases in which plants' biological characteristics have been altered. He has published a few articles relating to the biological change at the cellular level and is about to publish another one. Linda Moulton Howe, an Emmy award winning journalist, has been involved in crop-circle cases for many years, and I doubt she would risk her reputation for a "hot' story. Her web page is
http://www.earthfiles.com .
I do agree that some are faked, but how do people with "board-and-rope" change the biological characteristics of a crop? Also consider the illegalness of destroying 100's of square feet of someone's crop-product. For art, a laugh, or to tantalize? Maybe once or twice, but all of them... nah!
As far as "light-balls" are concerned, I've witnessed about six of them pass within 4 feet of me at eye level, floating, and traveling at about 5 miles an hour. No structure except a ball of light, uniform in luminosity, and about a foot in diameter. They all traveled the same path, going from north to south. I watched them float for about a half-a-mile in distance and on 2-3 separate occasions. It happened for 2-3 consecutive early mornings, about 3:00 in the morning, in the autumn of 2000. So I
know they exist.