WOW! I just won $1.000.000 dollars!!!

[deleted spam]

Where is a mod when you want one :roll:

Someone nuke this guy's IP...

What, you just won $1.000.000? Gee, that's actually $1! Wow! Tell us all about it!

yeah rofl, and you can't actually have 2 decimal points I don't think.

Daisy wrote:Where is a mod when you want one :roll:
Pad-locked into a computer chair, having to do some buggy crap concerning Maximo, WebSphere and Actuate (don't ask). The programmers (*laugh*) aren't worth a pile of manure, and they program in Java - the utter worst, buggiest, and most crash-inducing piece of tripe EVER invented... Damn Sun sucks ass.

Yes, I was doing overtime - AGAIN..
So, what do people want done with this thread?

Find him and kill him. Or just delete it. Either's good.

Java... ffs. Isn't C# meant to be the equivilent of Java, but created by MS?

I guess we could be honored that we are worthy enough to be spammed :roll:

No, seriously! I just checked out those websites and I won $! Aren't I the lucky one!

C# - yes. It's meant to be a more platform independant form of C/C++.. Which is just idiotic isn't it?

Java's been around for yonks though, and is on all the major (and alot of the minor IIRC) platforms out there.. Meaning it really *is* a write-once coding system.

Yes, C# was written by MS, but they did submit the specs to ISO - or one of those other standards agencies out there - and got it standardized.
If you search for mono, you'll find the open-source varient of the .NET specification.. Meaning you can run a program written on Windows, and run it on Linux with no problems (and sometimes a speed-up ;) ).
The only issue I have, is that MS have somehow tied it in with DirectX, and so some of my demo's I download from pouet, just won't run cos I won't install the .NET rubbish on my windows partition.

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