
[deleted spam]

What the hell do you people gain from this bull*hit?

It amazes me just how many spammers there are here. I've never known a forum like this before where this level of spam gets posted again and again. Is it the same person under dozens of different usernames?

Zelimos wrote:What the hell do you people gain from this bull*hit?

I think they are supposedly making a small bit of money spamming. Because each year they increase in numbers. Miserable bastards, only thing worse is telemarketers.

davidw wrote:It amazes me just how many spammers there are here. I've never known a forum like this before where this level of spam gets posted again and again. Is it the same person under dozens of different usernames?

This is probably the only forum i've seen this on in the years i've been using forums. They must be pretty stupid to pick one that doesn't have that many regular posts on anyway haha. :|

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