Ronald McDonald: The figurehead
He is the mouthpiece of the machine. In order for Mcdonalds to have access to our inner space we must be assured and calmed to a point where we ingest their products with abandon. In their infinite wisdom, the Illuminati have chosen the seemingly benign clown to be the muse that delivers their bidding. RM is the interface between McDonalds and the human population of the world. Much like a modern King or Queen he is a figurehead who helps to create the image that the machine will have created.
In spite of any evil that might be perpetrated upon us, RM is there to divert our attention from it. Even though clowns are inherently evil they overtly come across as gentle comedians, safe for any audience. We are collectively duped by this ruse time and again.
Mayor McCheese The Keeper of Order
MM is the real boss but he defers to his right hand man RM most of the time. On the surface, MM appears to be a mumbling, bumbling dolt, but as we know this is far from the truth. MM is, however, much more cunning than he leads us to believe and he is a force to be reconed with. Always there, even if in the background, he is the keeper of order always ready to make a speech if necessary to bring order should chaos become the order of the day.
I would imagine that we would see a lot more of Mayor McCheese if Burger King started outselling McDonalds by any margin but normally, MM is quite content to operate in his shadow world allowing RM to have the public glory.
Big Mac The keeper of the law
Big Mac is there to make sure that the law is followed. It's a good thing, too because there is a surprisingly large criminal conspiracy at hand in this seemingly benign world of absurd characters. Largely he is around to keep RMs treasury of burgers intact and to run interference for him and MM in the midst of the spurrious activity that is always awash in the world of Mcdonaldland. More importantly, BM reassures the public that even though things might not always be Kosher there is law and it is enforced.
Together, the trinity of MM and BM and RM is highly symbolic and the fact that it elucidates the heart of Christianity is NO coincidence. RM is of course representative of Jesus Christ, MM is as the father and BM is as the Holy Spirit. The powers that be sought to conceal this through such trickery as what would at first glance appear to be silly costumes but when we delve further into this enquiry we see that this is clearly not the case.
The representations of BM amd MM are quite obvious. Each one is replete with the garb of it's profession, BM in a police uniform and MM in a politician's outfit complete with sash and spectacles in hand. MM is the visage of wisdom and BM is that of authority. The characters PERSONA is that their heads are huge burgers with eyes. MM's head is a Cheeseburger and BMs is a Big Mac respectively. These figures represent the products that McDonalds outwardly serves the public, but their existence is highly unlikely.
I might take this a step further by saying that they are otherworldly, hence their being representations of God The Father and The Holy Spirit. RM is a clown but he is an Earthly character, nonetheless. I have come to the conclusion that the Clown persona is not only to endear him to us but also to give him an air of mystery that we will be even more compelled to listen to his message. In this way he becomes a teacher of the will of McDonalds.
There is certainly a lot more that can be discussed of those of the higher order of the McDonaldland inhabitants but I will defer on that for now. Let us now delve into the other characters and what they bring to the table.
The Hamburglar The thief of the land
Captain Crook The thief of the sea
The French Fry Goblins The evil in the Human Spirit
Hamburglar, like MM is seemingly a bumbling dolt. His vocabulary consists of nothing more than saying "robble robble". The obvious reason for that is that, like a preacher, he more or less hypnotizes his audience with his rythmic chant. This insidious character also represents the Dark side of man. In their wisdom the creators of this propaganda machine also came up with HBs counterpart, Captain Crook. Both of them are perpetually engaged in the crime of stealing mass quantities of McDonald's sandwiches. HB by land and CC by sea. It would appear that their evil activities are tolerated by RM and written off as mere excentricities but once again, the Teachings of Jesus Christ come to mind. Love thy enemy... RM is in a constant state of forgiveness regarding these rogues. Let us also consider that these characters, Like RM are Human. They're real world and that they represent land and sea is no coincidence, either. They tell us that there is danger by land and by sea. The McDonalds trinity has our back, however. By understanding this symbology we begin to see that going in and BUYING McDonalds food that we are doing the bidding of RM and perhaps setting a good example for the representative criminality that s HB and CC. The French Fry Goblins are otherworldly representations of the evil within the Human spirit. They endear themselves to us as they shamelessly pilfer frenchfries from any and all.
The Grimace The goodness of the Human Spirit
There has been much debate over the years as to what The Grimace is. So far as I know, there has been no compelling arguement to solve this mystery. I will offer some insight as to what this about. When examining the Grimace one doesn't know what to make of it. It is a rotund sexless speechless being with a perpetual smile on its face. It doesn't really do anything in particular and you can't help but be drawn to it. What the Grimace is is not the question to be asking. The Grimace is NOT. Like MM and BM it is anotherwordly representation. His is that of the Human Spirit. The Grimace stands constantly within the temptatin of good and evil running back and forth not really knowing where to fit in. There is always a sense of unesayness regarding the Grimace due to his precarious nature and it is indeed the role of MM and BM to look out for him AND THEY DO. but they of course defer to RM for their earthly duties.
The collective lesson is that there is good and evil within all of us. In the Mcdonaldland scenario, the earthly creatures perpetrating evil are HB and CC. The Earthly creature representing the good is RM with the rest of the trinity in tow. As we know, Grimace is RM's best friend and it has also been suggested that "Grimace believes that RM knows everything there is to know in this world". This, I believe, makes him a flollower of RM. That the goodness of the human spirit would cleave itself to the RM character makes all the more sense, especially when we examine this in the context in which I am presenting it here.
The powers that be at McDonalds have created a microcasm of the civilized world, its strengths and weaknesses, temptation and salvation. On some level we all relate to this. They are well aware of what they're doing. Eating at McDonalds has become ritualistic. When Americans travel abroad they typically CHECK IN at the McDonalds at least once. When foreigners come to America they check in to the ones here. Like Mecca, Mcdonalds restaurants are important destinations for the initiated. Many will admit to "eating there at least once a week" for example.
ICouldn't be bothered reading ALL of it since I personally think anybody who sits there deciding what the hell to complain about next just needs to be shot.
And where is this proof about McDonalds mocking Christianity?an analysis of McDonalds' advertising and how it has insidiously mocked Christianity
You what? Who the hell are "Illuminati"?emerging NWO and the conspiracy of the Illuminati against the general population of the Earth
Read that again.. Most countries have disgarded their royal families a long time ago.Much like a modern King or Queen
Are you one of those people who are scared of clowns?Even though clowns are inherently evil
Shadow world? What the HELL have you been smoking?MM is quite content to operate in his shadow world allowing RM to have the public glory.
Why? .. How is MM "the father"? Why not BM?MM is as the father and BM is as the Holy Spirit.
Well let's see... Yes, a living being with a bun and cooked meat for a head does sound pretty "unlikely"... Like a -1 on the possibility charts! (yes, I know the lowest is a 0, but I want to express a point).but their existence is highly unlikely
Air of mystery? He's a clown. What is the big bloody mysterious air?give him an air of mystery that we will be even more compelled to listen
There are more?the higher order of the McDonaldland inhabitants
Davidw has warned us that faster than you can say "hyperconscientiousness", footling sods will spoil the whole Zen Buddhist New Age mystical rock-worshipping aura of our body chakras.
I use this delightfully pejorative term, "bunk" -- an alternative from the same page of my criminal-slang lexicon would serve just as well
Justice isn't served when Davidw's crimes go unpunished. That, in itself, will condemn us to live with pernicious palookas sometime soon.
We have an obligation to do something good for others. We have an obligation to take the initiative to instill a sense of responsibility and maturity in those who capitalize on our needs and vulnerabilities. And we have an obligation to get us out of the hammerlock that he is holding us in.
witch wyzwurd wrote:O_Vaughan, I liked your excerpt, or what I've read of it so far. I find a bit of humor with it. It has an aire of social sarcasm, but a serious angle if one is inclined to lend credence to such a perspective. Here, I'll lend you an anagrammatical translation that you may add into your data and consider for publication.
RM: The odd looking man is the clan lord, so do damn clan lord!
MM: My mecca and my heroes.
You might find the science contolling the construction of destiny interesting... my website (being updated shortly): (immediate data) (homepage; follow instructions)
and concerning religion:
BIBLE: BE LIB (part of a coming section on my site)
Oh, and Davidw, I saw where you quoted me on your other site. While I am not a member there I can rest assured that there are many there who agree with me. your quoting me has only helped to spread my message.
It is a theory that you can at least consider.
you described a hierarchy which is similar to most real-life organisations.
The book will be published in America BTW.
Granted it's not been picked up but there is interest.
You shouldn't be so smug.
Clowns are entertainers today but they actually represent ghouls.
On some level we all get this and therefore consume their food
Can't you see how this relates to Globalization?
witch wyzwurd wrote:
Why has the group expelled itself from a fruitful core?... To spread its seeds upon fertile ground? To influence the growth of and welcome in new spirits? Or to lay ourselves on the ground and be drenched by acid that is sure to corrode our meaning, to rot that which we desire to spread.
steve the gaming guy wrote:"GameBoy"
Just because you don't think McDonalds taste nice, doesn't mean it's the root of all evil. Money is the root of all evil.
Just wanted to point out that it's "The love of money is the root of all evil".
Now carry on.
elexxorine wrote:Money is an inanimate object and is not capable of being evil, it is the materialist world that we live in that leads us to believe money is evil, when in fact it is ouselves and us blaming whatever else we can instead of ourselves for the faults we have created.