
I'm back. No, I wasn't hiding behind another name this time, I swear.
The reason I'm back is because of a nice little email I got from Alex informing me that Quest 4.0 is in the works and will be released soon!
So yeah, Time for me to catch up on things. I know MaDbRiT is still here because I saw him as a moderator, and I know davidw is still here because I saw a thread about him being banned, but otherwise I don't know anything about anyone else.

So what's happened since I left?

007bond wrote:I'm back. No, I wasn't hiding behind another name this time, I swear.

What - you mean you were Codingmasters? Gee, you had us all fooled there!

007bond wrote: I know davidw is still here because I saw a thread about him being banned

So I've been banned and yet I'm still here? Yep, you're making as much sense as ever.

no, what I meant is that there was a thread asking if you should be banned.
And yeah, i admit it, I was codingmasters. Forgive and forget?

Dude, we all knew you were CodingMasters since you both had the same email.

Anyway, welcome back.

I don't remember you, GameBoy
I guess you changed your name or something?

I've been poking around recently as well. I found an old folder of quest files somewhere on my PC and I felt like using quest again. I don't remember a gameboy either.. :?:


i stop using the site for 2 months because of my parents restricting my internet usage, and things get totally out of control again. I really need to keep on top of things

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