Nothing interesting, just how I *AM* teh MAN!

Just thought I'd post in here this little sig I made just minutes ago for some fellow:

There's also leonsig1.gif

I like the one above though :D ... What do you guys think?

leonsig wasn't working.... because it's leonsig1! :roll:

I've now made this:

Which is really cool IMO. I need permission from the guy who did the background picture (blue thing in the boxes) before I think about using it though :( .

On a side note after I get something to eat I'll be starting on my battle engine again :D .

I think Im Dead
Off the top of my head...

"Oh - you'll PAY!" :twisted:

Very nice, I can work everything out apart from the "He's teh man!!1!"... I'm guessing multiple alpha's set roughly at 10% each, about 6-or-so alpha's (I'd personally go with 10).
What I can't work out is if you used some flash program for that part and just used it, created the alpha's and decided to animate them ALL or wrote some script to deal with that effect.

I noticed you used Flash (Flash is teh program :D ) but if it's MX then I know nothing about it (Flash 5 myself).

.... Oh, and disappointing news - I had to look after my mum's boyfriends' son this afternoon so I wasn't able to get anything done with the engine :( .
I got the Matrix Reloaded DVD from them though so that's a plus :).
Gonna watch that then have a look into the code!

I think Im Dead
Actually I didn't use any Flash at all.

Yeah, I've decided that I'm going to start seriously working on completing a game engine. I don't know if I should aim small and make a simple engine or get complex and use that grid system and stuff.

That grid system looks really neat-o!

But it will take a little while to work out.... That reminds me I'd better take another look while I'm still awake :) .

I'd probably go with an all-out system (which is basically what I'm doing). You'll find that you do branch off into other area's (magic, armour, weapons, items, shops).

EDIT: Just curious but what did you use? It seems to be a flash thing so the nearest I can think of is Swish or something like that.

I think Im Dead
Jasc Animation Shop Pro. It comes with a bunch of prefabricated animation effects for text and also a prefab image transitions. If you customize them you can come up with interesting stuff. I'm fairly positive it doesn't use Flash, as it draws each frame and is ridiculously customizable, also there's no mention of Flash filetypes.

That Swish program is so tight against people warez'ing it that I couldn't even get a trial key so, I said crap to that.

P.S. My game engine will R0x0Rz yerz.

Actually I have to admit you are the only threat to me on this board :wink: .
Alex doesn't create Quest games, Al concentrates on libraries to help "common" stuff (containers etc). You and I come up with idea's but never actually do them. We can discuss code, but still never do anything. :lol:

.... You also seem to come up with some good signatures - I can see you're going to be my arch-nemesis! :twisted:

Just browsing through the forums and noticed that someone was talking about libraries.

I was wndering if u could point me in the direction of this guy?

Thanks, Matthew G.

Erm, Al - your link is not working, is there any reason for this?

Anyway, look for "MaDbRiT" on the forum's member list and he's there.

C.W. wrote:

Erm, Al - your link is not working, is there any reason for this?

Yes there is a reason. :)

Basically the link goes to where my old Quest 2.1x files were, and I've 'pulled' those now that no-one still uses Quest 2.

The last known working URL for my Quest 3 'typelib.qlb' library is in fact
However the linked file is woefully out of date and I'd recommend an e-mail to me if anyone wants the most up to date version. I cannot at present access my web space to update the site.

FWIW, as of this moment, I can't see me doing anything further with Quest once I have finished 'tweaking' this library.


I've read lots of your do seem like a good man...kind, intelligent...

When ya'll say "engine", do you mean a code library/framework to build multiple games? Will these be publicly showcased?

As it's nearly three years since he posted that, probably not.

3 years already?
Geez man!

I mean WOW..

And no - the engine is in a constant state of "stay the hell away from me". No update to Quest has meant it's stopped.
On ITID's position, I haven't heard from him in a few months, not really.. Last I heard he'd had a little kid and was dealing with real life instead of coming here.

Looks like Tron is playing hard to get. Hmm. I can work with that.

Tr0n has girlfriend. I think so.

i want to be tr0ns gf!!!!

Well you?

Yes... But I'm always open to..
.. Yes, but she doesn't tell me what to ..
.. yes, I am her pupet dammit!

The Unknown
Tr0n wrote:Yes... But I'm always open to..
.. Yes, but she doesn't tell me what to ..
.. yes, I am her pupet dammit!

LOL you in the same precarious situation I'm in I see. :wink:

The Buck

steve the gaming guy
You said precarious.... and you spelled it right.... and you used it correctly!

I'm not making fun of you, I promise. It's just something I noticed.

Pity about the grammar but I guess you can't have everything. 8)

Why is everyone lusting after Tr0n then, have I missed something?

He's a very lustful type, so I hear. :shock:

;) and artsy!

... Maybe I should have a Tr0n fan club..
Tr0n weekly news letter, and some badges too! That'd be fun.

Tr0n wrote:;) and artsy!

I think there might be an unnecessary 't' in there somewhere. :lol:


... And yes David, I'm that too :P .

The whole deal with girls suddenly spamming the boards is making me quite suspicious. I think somebody is fooling with us chaps.

The Unknown
steve the gaming guy wrote:You said precarious.... and you spelled it right.... and you used it correctly!

I'm not making fun of you, I promise. It's just something I noticed.

LOL you ARE in the same precarious situation I'm in I see. Wink

The Buck[/u]


fixxed it for the grammer nazis


The Unknown wrote:'fixxed' it for the 'grammer' nazis

Hahahhaahahahaahh! Oh, that's hilarious! Just frickin' hilarious!

Zel, yeah - I suppose it could be suspicious.
Do I care? Not really.

davidw is the evil grammar hitler.


And you, CC, have got the same kind of obsession with me that Unknown has: you can't post a message that doesn't mention me at some point.

Are you in love with you?

The Unknown
davidw wrote:And you, CC, have got the same kind of obsession with me that Unknown has: you can't post a message that doesn't mention me at some point.

Are you in love with you?

funny how my name keeps cropping up in all your posts.

pot meet kettle

davidw wrote:And you, CC, have got the same kind of obsession with me that Unknown has: you can't post a message that doesn't mention me at some point.

Are you in love with you?

the only reason i mention you is becuz you haunt me & belittle ppl.

btw what does your last sentence have to do w/ the previous paragraph? nothing! d'oh!

Tr0n wrote:;) and artsy!

... Maybe I should have a Tr0n fan club..
Tr0n weekly news letter, and some badges too! That'd be fun.
How do I sign up for that?

Tr0n wrote:Zel, yeah - I suppose it could be suspicious.
Do I care? Not really.

I suppose if you can't see, it won't hurt...

To sign up for my fan club, PM me with a rather nice photo of yourself ;)
... davidw, that doesn't apply to you!

I should have changed my image links when I moved the images - but I can't be bothered..
If you wanna see my stuff, it's all here:

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