

Am I correct in saying that this is you Alex?

Why, does it scare you?

You look much much much younger (and different) than I pictured.

What I thought Alex looked like:

Yeah, ditto with GameBoy
You know how you always have this image of someone, and then you actually see them?
Well my image was tonnes different to what you actually are

PS: Glasses rule!

I'll throw a facial pic on in the next couple days.


facial pic

Haha, now keep it all PG!

Alex looks older than I think he is.. I didn't expect the hat either.

And let's all pray for the guys who try to pick GB up.... Have you changed your name too? .. To Stephanie or anything?

no, that was the image I had of Alex.... Nevermind, the joke is ruined, lol

Ha ha... Steve's pritty. I think Alex's picture isn't a very good one of him... Looked like he was in a train station or similar... He'd prolly look quite cute if he did a nice picture with a pritty girl under his arm, I recomend Stephinie here as a model.

Yes, I think it was in a train station... the pretty girl is holding the camera though!

Lol. I'm psychic!!! Fear me mortals! So do we get a picture of the girl too? And does this mean you're not available? :cry:

At the moment I can't provide the link, as I am on a cell phone, but if you PM me I can provide the information necessary to view the pic.

ME!! ME!! I only got vague looks on you, stupid room-mate wanting to sleep at night, AND in the same room as the computer, I mean, what is this world coming to?!

steve the gaming guy
elexxorine wrote:Ha ha... Steve's pritty. I think Alex's picture isn't a very good one of him... Looked like he was in a train station or similar... He'd prolly look quite cute if he did a nice picture with a pritty girl under his arm, I recomend Stephinie here as a model.

What Steve are you referring to?

It's his real name...
'his' being gameboy (previously "ste").

Here is an extremely bad picture from when I was rather depressed. It's also from a 1.3 megapixel cell phone camera.


Dude, you're so much thinner than I thought!

Nice hair BTW.

Tron, I love that picture you've got under your name... lol. For those who are wondering, I will be posting some piccys of me soon... And I'm thinknig of bleaching my hair so I'll prolyl have a 'before and after' thing. lol.

Everyone loves that pic of me :) .

Yes, I am rather thin. 6'2" and 180 lbs :(
I don't like sharing my pic too much, but I figured I could just remove it later :lol:

My hair was quite messy. It was a morning pic, and I had a rather "rowdy" night.

Lol. Photos aren't ment to look good anyways... My mum does't like the idea of me bleaching my hair, what I don't care... For those who have seen a piccy of me already, do you think it's a good idea? I'll have a piccy for you all soon though...

I don't know about bleach-blonde..... but maybe a lighter hair colour.... Light brown/blonde-blonde... Perhaps strawberry blonde?

I hate stawberry blounde and everything it stands for! I was going to go for the bleached white look.

You go for bleach white... and I'll reserve the right to say "told you so" later on :P .

.. Try it out, it's not like you can't change it laterz.

The one advantage of bleaching is that you can dye over it. If I want to dye my hair any colour I'm gonig to have to bleach it first cos my hair is so dark.

As I've said before, Red's always a nice colour (as long as it's not ginger).. And brown/strawberry blonde/hazel-ish maybe.

I remember when my hair was jet black. I'm not really fussed about hair dye though, i'll just stick with my original colour.

Well, I guess post this one of me again:

And one of the bike too :D

damn that's a nice looking bike!

that's hawt.

Looks great doesn't it. Pitty it's not running as good as it looks. Gunna get it fixed this week though. I'm really annoyed at the moment as it's been acting funny since I got it brand new. Not impressed.

steve the gaming guy
elexxorine wrote:Tron, I love that picture you've got under your name... lol. For those who are wondering, I will be posting some piccys of me soon... And I'm thinknig of bleaching my hair so I'll prolyl have a 'before and after' thing. lol.

I assume there are no "piccys" of you online yet?

No. And sadly, the other day my friend asked for his webcam back so I can't take any photos for you guys... I've tried not to post myself on the internet so there's nothing up yet.

I've got one or two I can put up on the web of her..

I can also take some from webcam sessions I have.
I'll let her decide which ones/whatever.

Awwww, no cam :( .

Lol. You show me those first

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