Latest Uploads and Newest Games

Just thought, if nobody else has noticed this, that I would tell you that at the "Latest Uploads" and "Newest Games" are the exact same thing? They just repeat what the other says. Should probably just forge them into the same thing, along the lines of "Latest Games" or "Newest Uploads" or something.



They're not the same. "Newest games" excludes the Sandpit.

Oooooooh. Oh. Ok, thanks Alex. I'll try to be more observant in the future :D


EDIT: That because things in the Sandpit arn't, or are hardly, considered games?

steve the gaming guy
Yeah I would suggest that's part of the reason.

Sad, innit it :wink:

Well you can make more then just games with Quest, I was using quest once to make a Lotto program.
Also I once started work on an Interactive story.

Both of those are games, silly. :?

EDIT: And your necroposting again ^_^

I Have no Idea what Necroposting is so thus I'm not aware of it.
Never even knew there were different kinds of posting, I'm going to go
out on a limb here and say: when i post a message i never tick the "Necroposting" box :)

steve the gaming guy
METALGod32 wrote:Well you can make more then just games with Quest, I was using quest once to make a Lotto program.
Also I once started work on an Interactive story.

I have been considering an interactive story. How far did you get on yours?

Pretty far but then I lost Interest, you should give it a try though.

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