
I Just found out that my old account is still active here, This is METALGod32 by the way
I Joined with this account(Redsun) on Mon Jul 28, 2003 11:47 pm.

I'll be using this account from now on.

Whatever sails your boat. Welcome Redsun :wink:

steve the gaming guy
A newbie welcoming an "oldie". hehe.

How am I a newbie! :o

steve the gaming guy
Ok, you've been signed on a year now so I guess you've graduated from newbieness.

I have?! :shock: Booyah!

Oh no - you're still a newbie until someone newer then you comes along - them's the rules!!

I Just cant believe that I've been in this community that long, I've been in this community longer then any other community and
thats with 13 years of PC and internet experience, the 2nd longest doesn't even come close.
Wanna know what really sucks, I've been here since 2003 and not one completed game.

I'm hoping I change that, , I'm just glad I didn't simply upload many unfinished games.

Heh. I've been here since 2004, 5 years... You forgot how long time is until you look back.

I'd prefer one good nicely finished game to people uploading whatever they can't be bothered to work on more, any day of the week.

I've been here one year and... Oh shuttup, all of you. :(

So I havn't made a game with a higher score than three, sue me.

Can't you just give me the money instead of making me get a lawyer?

Yes, much simpler if we settle this outside of court.

Oh no, this thread is derailing too :?

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