Happy Birthday to Me!

Where's my cake! I want my frikking cake.

Happy birthday.

Happy birthday too Thana... from Matt too. Miss you not being on msn. Hope you have a good birthday and everything, we love you! give your cats a hug for me...

steve the gaming guy
Are you the ripe old age of 14 now?

Nope, 15.

steve the gaming guy
Whoaa! Old man! hehehe... well happy birthday. :lol:

steve the gaming guy
I am now twice as old as you plus two years. Had my birthday over the weekend. It was a fun time. Mostly it was rainy except on my actual birthday.

Oh and if you couldn't follow that complex math, I am 32. :lol:

Happy birthday Steve! You too old for presents yet?

My sister recently had a birthday. She got two cards saying '21st' on it, and then 'in base 17!' on the inside. Blasted nephew stole my tradition! (Been doing it for years!) Can you work out how old she is? What base will I need next year? (I know these, just testing maths, muhahahha)


Can you work out how old she is?

35? [(17^1 * 1) + (17^0 * 1)]

Does she have to be 21 every year?

You're right Overcat. And 21 cos that's a major birthday that they write on cards. Also the joke of everyone says it's their 21st birthday when it isn't. It's become a tradition now, especially as my nephew joined in.

kind of, those maths shown are a bit wrongo:
In base 17:
289   17   1
0 2 1

2*17 = 34
1*1 = 1

34+1 = 35

.. Now 36, would mean:
36 - 1 = 35.
Half of 35 = 17.5..
So base 17.5 ... which doesn't REALLY work, cos it's not a whole number.
You'd have to go for something like "18" (base 28)

So the answer for NEXT year is: there is NO base that makes 36 become 21

Yeah, I've written half bases before, it's only for the lulz though.

.. I'd like to point out that, by "wrongo" I actually meant.... "dead right"... :P

Sorry, it's been a while since my maths classes back in college (and believe me, I wasn't even paying attention then either).
Anything to the power 0 is 1 (doi!) and my table is showing the powers of 17.

Yours is just the more straight forward mathematical way to write it down.
Mine is the more graphical.

Apple-bogies (apologies :) ) and by all means, feel free to slam me for any big mistakes.


Apple-bogies (apologies ) and by all means, feel free to slam me for any big mistakes.

Big mistakes? What about little ones? (I'm not an avid slammer, in any case. :D)

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