HTML Help Files

Does anyone know how to create those HTML Help Files? They have the file extension *.chm. I'm creating my first major VB program and need to know how to do this

Matthew G. (codingmasters really, but i'm having troubles with my account)

It's called HTML Help Workshop and you can find it by searching

Thanks a lot Alex

Matthewg14b (Codingmasters)

I found HTML Help Workshop. It says not to run it on Win 98/ME/2k/XP
I run Win 98. What am I supposed to do?

Matthewg14b (Codingmasters)

Being a guest means I can't edit my posts.
Anyway, it actually says that Win 98/ME/2k/XP should not run "Hhupd"

Matthewg14b (Codingmasters)

Turns out Hhupd is the HTML Help update, not HTML Help Workshop
Don't worry about it

Matthewg14b (Codingmasters)

i have a problem when i do it because when i install it it says something like

cant find 'something' 2000 SR1 source code

1. That was a really really old post, don't know how you found it
2. More detail will allow for more help

im sorry but i cant recreate the error but when i instal it is asks me if i want to install and when i say yes it does nothing but close the window.

Guy with the 2000 error thingy: Are you running windows 2000? I'm guessing you upgraded from 98/ME (I swear I remember reading LOADS of errors about that... But then people never understand why "upgrading" is crap, instead of going for a complete re-install... *sigh*).

Anyway, you should have an installation disk somewhere. Else, my opinion: use google.

springo: what install are you talking about? The HTML helper version 1.4?

Exactly. You have to make yourself clear.

never mind i sorted it out
thank you for trying to help

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