Lords of Ebersmile v0.0.1 Alpha

Check Server Status: http://www.squiggleuk.com/ebersmile/serverstatus.php

Running on: Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional
OS Version: 5.0.2195 Service Pack 4 build 2195
Processor: x86 Family 6 model 7 stepping 2 GenuineIntel ~448 Mhz
Total Physical Memory: 163,364 KB
Total Virtual Memory: 544,092 KB
Client version QuestNet 3.0 Beta 2
Game Version: v0.0.1 Alpha

Running off port: 10001

please message me on any of these messengers with any queries.

MSN: ste_edwards16
Yahoo: sejster1
AIM: steedwards16

*Check here for server status and game info.

server will be open all day

(Alex, set the forum time back 1 hour)

The forum time is correct, isn't it?.... well it was before anyway.

9.30 by every clock I can see, all looks well.

sorry alex my bad, i had GMT+1 in my profile

you can check here to see if the game is up....

http://www.muddomain.com/telnet.php?mud ... port=10001

Dont actually connect through Telnet because it wont work.

there will be a download on the Ebersmile II website which is a telnet client coded by TheNobleOne

EDIT: scripted my own server checker in php. Can be accessed through the main menu or by clicking here.... http://www.squiggleuk.com/ebersmile/serverstatus.php

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