Newbie alert!

Helloooo! I'm Indja - yes, I use this username so much that I have an established nickname for it! - and I'm brand spanking new here. I've not played text games in foreverrr and just suddenly got the urge to give them another bash. Turns out I pretty much suck at them xD I've downloaded one so far, called "Wizard", and I'm enjoying myself hugely but am completely stumped. Any tips for a complete text adventure fresher?? Not just referring to "Wizard", I mean like in general xD I don't seem to have the right kind of logical thinking for such things - but like I said, I'm enjoying myself a lot xD

Also, if it's not weird to ask, could someone give me a heads up on what sort of a forum this is? I mean, some that I go on are reeeaaally relaxed and personal and mostly just people chattering about their lives and whatever, and others will actually put your grandmother through a mangle if you so much as think about going off-topic xD So, how do we play it here?? Thanks! xxx

jenny24 wrote:Hey Newbie! I'm also a newbie, so can't tell you what the forum is like :) Are you talking just about text adventure games, or do you mean text-based browser games? Clarify please :D

I still remembered my first game: star treck online, now the technology is advancing and I begin to play Browser Games on my web browsers, and no longer enjoy addicting games or miniclip online games that are not hardcore

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