Well, let's tally it up shall we:
I don't like alcohol (meaning a VERY sober christmas),
I don't have a girlfriend (so - what's new!),
Everywhere I turn there are people who ARE in a relationship (rubbing it into my face),
My presents were clothes and shower stuff.... Brillient eh!?,
I didn't see my father at all this month,
I got barely any money over christmas (except what I worked for - £950),
and - as usual - half my presents were crap, so I got a couple of good presents and some really shite stuff I'll never use again.
Oh - did I mention the "opening" ceremony? Where we all were in my front room (which is about the size of my bedroom - only without the mess and crap everywhere) with a crap tree, with musical lights which had an odd note popping out every minute or so.... And my sister going "right, c'mon then. Open the presents together then!"......
Really - all I wanted to do was sit, by myself, playing Tron 2.0 (which I bought myself) until dinner (which was the only good thing about today).
Dinner was:
Turkey, Beef, Pig's in their Jacket's (sausages in bacon you commoners!), swede, peas, carrots, curley cale and yorkshire puddings (small one's about 2.5 inches wide). 100% brillient!!!
Nothing can beat the taste of everything, all in their proper proportions, as it enters your mouth.
After that, I came up and yelled at the computer as Tr0n 2.0 is such a bitch even on easy - you keep running out of life and the loading screen is constantly on your screen taking about 3 minutes to load every time you die or load or whatever!!
Then I slept for a couple of hours until now.... So, does that sound like a good christmas?