Pertex wrote:"lelo14"
P.S. Not being very familiar with object oriented programming, I'm not sure that I got it right when I typed in this message's subject, "Hi my name is". Can you suggest how I could have made it funnier?
"Hi my name is" would be correct
Wow! you didn't give up and read to the bottom! Yes I almost did but the example form the tutorial that I was going off of is "It weighs " + object.weight + " grams."
But now that I think about it, how in the heck does the computer know which object!! Some day I might change my mind but I hate object oriented. I get the theory but but I'd rather use a procederal language and abstract data types as a development paradiagm. Sorry for the rant.
Anyways, I looked and yes player had a name, it's name is "player"
Thanks for the fun times.