OK, so that was a while...

2 years + 3 months.... ish...
2 flat moves, a death or two, a niece, loads of overtime, an alcoholic binge and several heartbreaks.

Just getting some things back in order with my PC, and decided to fool about with wine again.
That led me here.

Seems this place is about the same... Newer quest version n all.
I will have to have a look and see what's new in the language.

Talk to you later!

Welcome back!

Paul_one, haha, good times.

All we need now is Madbrit and Elexxorine. Can never remember anybody else.

WOW! Just been looking through old forum archives. Very interesting, looking back on my old posts and realising what a whining, annoying person I was. Incredible!


The most annoying thing I found whilst looking through my old posts: I put files into a freeserve website and it's now gone after I changed ISPs.... D'OH!

... And I was much smarter than I gave myself credit for (I think drinking, and my job has reduced my IQ a fair bit).

You should take Alex as an example. He is getting better and better :D

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