sgreig wrote:Hey Izzy, welcome to the forums! It's good to see a fellow Canadian here! (I'm from Manitoba), and am also a singer incidentally.
What's piqued your interest to make text adventure games?
Well, I have always loved video games and when I decided to try text adventure games, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I have a creative mind, I've been told and I decided to put that creativity to use. I've come up with many stories in my day, (Sci-fi, Fantasy, Action, Etc.) and I figured I should make them more interactive, and so, Here I am. I AM having difficulty getting the hang of actually "Creating" the game. I am willing to accept any help with "programming" the game that anybody may offer me. In short, I want to make text games, because it's a darn waste to have a lot of ideas running about in my brain, and no way to bring them out.