Hi. (sorry for my English) For the past days I am searching thru internet to find a text adventure engine to use. I am slowly turns towards quest because it's the easiest engine to translate to an not Latin language. Also I really like the contraction of the aslx cause the xml type format makes it easy to subtract data and use perhaps in another engine.
I am not done reading the documentations right now but I have to say that I am little bit disappointed with the interpreter. The reason is the server and ajax approach. At least for the player in my perspective there must be a client based javascript implementation. This way quest player will be a real cross platform. Everyone will be able to download and run the html file and have a quest player. At first when I found out that quest can have a webplayer and that it can communicate with javascript I thought that you set your game world thru aslx and code(script) it with javascript. And I said to myself this is the way to go for a if engine. But I was wrong. I don't wand to be judgmental but it looks like quest missed the opportunity to be the if of the internet.
05 Jun 2012 12:44
There is a fully client-based Javascript runner - it's just not fully public yet. It's what is used to create iPhone and Android apps - the HTML/JS is wrapped with Phonegap to create a "native" app for each platform. The first app is here: http://www.textadventures.co.uk/apps/bump/
Javascript and ASLX can be integrated - you can have a Quest function call a Javascript function and vice versa. More info here: http://quest5.net/wiki/Using_Javascript