Can anyone help?
I've just got VB .NET (horray!) and I'm having some trouble coding
1. how do you open a form and close the current one
2. what is the randomization code?
3. How do I load a form without showing it
I'm used to VB6 and so this is very new to me. I would appreciate some help

Thanks, Matthew G.

I've never used VB .net, but I'd guess the reandomisation code is:


If number is [x] Rnd generates [y]
x y
Less than zero The same number every time, using number as the seed.
Greater than zero The next random number in the sequence.
Equal to zero The most recently generated number.
Not supplied The next random number in the sequence.

Well, that's it in VB but I can't garuntee that in .net version.

Remember to use the Randomize statement before using the rnd function.

If you aren't sure if it'll work in VB .NET then why post? I already know the random number code in VB6

Matthew G.

stfu newb, he tried to help and you have a go at him. fucking moron. you cant code either way.

Surely rnd(x) is ALWAYS the same if x is always the same....

even if you randomize first, x brings it back to that position in the formulae...

typical of Ste...take the other person's side

Matthew G.

Typical of me to take the right side. If ITID starts whining at you like a baby obviously i'll take your side, providing you didn't provoke him. You had a go at that guy for trying to HELP you, now that's just stupid and really disrespectful. psh

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