Need help deleting a game

Greetings, guys. Happy New Year! ^^

I've just recently signed up, so I'm still lacking some knowledge around the place. :P Anyways, I'd like to know how I may delete one of my games. It turns out that I wanted to update something I had published (created via Twine), but I wasn't aware I could actually update that specific adventure (oops), so I just shared another version. I've got two shared games now: The most recent an updated version of the oldest. However, I'm not sure how to remove the original (now useless) one. I've looked around My Games - Published, but no luck; all I did was unlist it and edit the title + description. However, I'd like it completely gone! Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Email me the link and I'll delete it for you.

Alex wrote:Email me the link and I'll delete it for you.

Thank you for the help!

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