Text Adventure vs. Gamebook?

I'm not a fan of gamebooks but love text adventures, so... When sampling games, is there a way to tell before starting them if it is a gamebook or a text adventure? Probably a dumb question, but I don't know the answer. =)

And, I'm finding that there are considerably more gamebooks than text adventures on this site. Any reason for that? Are they more popular to play and write?

Gamebooks just require (preferably) good writing~authoring skills, and not too much more than that (especially in terms of the coding). Whereas, Text Adventures, can require (at the extreme) RPG scope of advanced coding + all the other work involved, a massive project.

Hey! Since you don't have much else to do... ;)

Why don't you give my first massive project a try and give me some feedback. Just got published today. Xanadu - The World's Only Hope.

Thanks for the reply! Happy gaming!

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