OK. I really like hopping on in some free time and checking out the newly posted, uncategorized games. Maybe I'll be the first to find a diamond in the rough. I have to make an assumption that some ninny middle school English teacher often uses this format for their assignments and their kids publish it for their classmates to 'play'. Why else would complete *bleck* score five stars? So... if you are one of those ninny English teachers, could you possibly not make the game public (just share the link with those who care) so people who enjoy testing games can test games that are thoughtful or at least have a point. I feel like Neal Page from Planes Trains and Automobiles (
Anyway, if there is no ninny middle school English teacher out there, can we at least possibly, dear Jesus, just maybe create a category (not titled Sandpit) for games written by and/or targeting adolescents so I can unwind and enjoy a decent game on a Friday after school?
Maybe I am too harsh, but... "When you're telling a story... here's an idea - have a point. It makes it so much more interesting for the listener."
Happy Gaming!!!