Looking for MMORPGs?

So you're looking for MMORPG Games eh?

http://www.chronicalgames.com is a good place to start. It is a new directory for MMORPGs, but growing fast. It has some really cool free games on there, and is opening up a Single Player section soon.

But not only can you download games, you can submit your own too!

Enjoy ;)

I'll keep that site in my list of archived sites that I hope to visit in the not-to-distant future. Once I get a good internet connection (unlimited, and at least 1Mbps), I'll check that out.

Dude I feel sorry for you if you're looking forward to 1 Mbps. I thought 2 Mbps was slow.

I'm only on half of that and it seems lightning fast compared to a dial-up modem.

S1aY3R wrote:Dude I feel sorry for you if you're looking forward to 1 Mbps. I thought 2 Mbps was slow.

i like my 1.5mbps broadband cable internet tyvm :D

yeah, well when you get max. 50 Kbps, anything will be faster

Depends what crap you download.
If you're on it 24x7 downloading heaps of shite just cos it's there (the ammount of people out there with albums and albums of songs they don't listen to), it will be slow.

You download a few select thing and it'll be *quite* fast (although still annoying waiting a few minutes for a big download).

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