Windows Update

I've tried to get Windows Update working on the new computer. I've successfully downloaded and installed the ActiveX control for v5
I then go to custom install, not wanting to install SP2 for XP
It checks and checks and checks for about 5 minutes, then comes up with an error:

Windows Update has encountered an error and cannot display the requested page. [Error number: 0x80072EE2].

it then gives me a list of pages to goto, one of which is the Windows Update troubleshooter. I go to the troubleshooter, and look for the fix on my error code.
It then gives me some crap on the HOSTS file in a directory. It then tells me that this problem only affects Win 2000 comps. What is going on, and can someone help me?

[EDIT] Yes, I am using IE to do this

paul_one ... -us;836941

Go through all that stuff...

My guess is it could be your Firewall.

We used to use ZoneAlarm, but after one update it stopped all internet and network activity, despite numerous reconfigs. We disabled the Win ICF upon configing the computer. This time round we are using Sygate Personal Firewall (SPF), and no ICF again.

I tried the page you gave me, and ran through all the appropriate methods. It still gives me the same error.

Have you disabled anything with msconfig? I was messing around with it once and disabled the cryptography services and this meant updates couldn't be installed.

haven't used msconfig since it started working again. I'll take a look

where exactly is this cryptography service thing that you mentioned?

Start -> Run -> Type "msconfig"

It's on the service panel.

I think everything in the msconfig settings should be turned on. Maybe you disabled one of them or a program you ran did.

Actually the "services" in "administrative tools" is better to use for that.
It's in the "traditional" control panel.

Anyway - it comes up with other error messages if you do that (I had an iffy time with changing auto updates to manual on my PC - although it's fine with my laptop on manual :? ).

Try turning your firewall off for the update, then turning it back on after - as it says it's probably a firewall issue.

thanks for the advice. I'll try all three ideas

I checked the services tab. The Cryptographic Services tick is checked, along with every other one. So that can't be it. I'll try disabling the firewall later but I'm busy now.

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